PHP Trianglman\Sqrl Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
SqrlGenerateInterface Generates a SQRL QR image, URL and nonce.
SqrlRequestHandlerInterface A handler to process the authentication of SQRL clients
SqrlStoreInterface An object to handle storing and retrieving SQRL data
SqrlValidateInterface Validates a nonce/public key pair


Name Description
EcEd25519NonceValidator Nonce validator class that uses the ec_* elliptic curve validation code
Ed25519NonceValidator A wrapper around the PHP implementation of the ED25519 signature validation code to match the NonceValidator interface
SodiumNonceValidator Nonce validator class that uses the Pecl Libsodium elliptic curve validation code
SqrlConfiguration Class to hold configurable data for all other SQRL classes
SqrlException Exceptions that can be thrown during the validation process
SqrlGenerate Generates a SQRL QR image, URL and nonce.
SqrlRequestHandler A handler to process the authentication of SQRL clients
SqrlStoreStatelessAbstract An abstract class to help users create and read stateless nuts
SqrlValidate Validates a nonce/public key pair