PHP Interface Doctrine\OXM\Mapping\Driver\Driver

Since: 2.0
Author: Richard Fullmer ([email protected])
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Public Methods

Method Description
getAllClassNames ( ) : array Gets the names of all mapped classes known to this driver.
isTransient ( string $className ) : boolean Whether the class with the specified name should have its metadata loaded.
loadMetadataForClass ( string $className, ClassMetadataInfo $metadata ) Loads the mapping for the specified class into the provided container.

Method Details

getAllClassNames() public method

Gets the names of all mapped classes known to this driver.
public getAllClassNames ( ) : array
return array The names of all mapped classes known to this driver.

isTransient() public method

This is only the case if it is either mapped as an XmlEntity
public isTransient ( string $className ) : boolean
$className string
return boolean

loadMetadataForClass() public method

Loads the mapping for the specified class into the provided container.
public loadMetadataForClass ( string $className, ClassMetadataInfo $metadata )
$className string
$metadata Doctrine\OXM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo