PHP Interface SAML2\Configuration\CertificateProvider

Inheritance: extends SAML2\Configuration\Queryable
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Public Methods

Method Description
getCertificateData ( ) : null | string Returns the contents of an X509 pem certificate, without the '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' and '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'.
getCertificateFile ( ) : null | string Returns the full path to the (local) file that contains the X509 pem certificate.
getCertificateFingerprints ( ) : null | array | Traversable Returns an array or \Traversable where each element represents a certificate fingerprint. A certificate fingerprint is a string containing the certificate fingerprint.
getKeys ( ) : null | array | Traversable Returns an array or \Traversable of keys, where each element represents a configured key.

Method Details

getCertificateData() public method

Returns the contents of an X509 pem certificate, without the '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' and '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'.
public getCertificateData ( ) : null | string
return null | string

getCertificateFile() public method

Returns the full path to the (local) file that contains the X509 pem certificate.
public getCertificateFile ( ) : null | string
return null | string

getCertificateFingerprints() public method

Returns an array or \Traversable where each element represents a certificate fingerprint. A certificate fingerprint is a string containing the certificate fingerprint.
Deprecation: Please use getCertifiateFile() or getCertificateData()

getKeys() public method

A configured key itself is an array or object implementing ArrayAccess where the array key/property is the configuration key and the value is the configured value.
public getKeys ( ) : null | array | Traversable
return null | array | Traversable