PHP Class Events, TastyIgniter

Allows you to create hook points throughout the application that any other module can tap into without hacking core code.
Author: Bonfire Dev Team
Mostra file Open project: tastyigniter/tastyigniter Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) This if here solely for CI loading to work. Just calls the initialize() method.
initialize ( ) : void Loads the library's dependencies and configuration.
trigger ( string $event_name = NULL, mixed $payload = NULL ) : void Triggers an individual event.

Method Details

__construct() public method

This if here solely for CI loading to work. Just calls the initialize() method.
public __construct ( )

initialize() public static method

Loads the library's dependencies and configuration.
public static initialize ( ) : void
return void

trigger() public static method

Triggers an individual event.
public static trigger ( string $event_name = NULL, mixed $payload = NULL ) : void
$event_name string A string with the name of the event to trigger. Case sensitive.
$payload mixed (optional) An array to send to the event method.
return void