PHP Class Give, Give

Since: 1.0
Mostra file Open project: wordimpress/give Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$api Give API Object
$customer_meta Give Customer meta DB Object
$customers Give Customers DB Object
$email_access Give No Login Object
$email_tags Give Email Template Tags Object
$emails Give Emails Object
$give_settings Give Settings Object
$html Give HTML Element Helper Object
$roles Give Roles Object
$session This holds donation data for user's session.
$template_loader Give Template Loader Object

Public Methods

Method Description
__clone ( ) : void Throw error on object clone
__wakeup ( ) : void Disable unserializing of the class
instance ( ) : Give Main Give Instance
load_textdomain ( ) : void Loads the plugin language files

Private Methods

Method Description
includes ( ) : void Include required files
setup_constants ( ) : void Setup plugin constants

Method Details

__clone() public method

The whole idea of the singleton design pattern is that there is a single object, therefore we don't want the object to be cloned.
Since: 1.0
public __clone ( ) : void
return void

__wakeup() public method

Disable unserializing of the class
Since: 1.0
public __wakeup ( ) : void
return void

instance() public static method

Insures that only one instance of Give exists in memory at any one time. Also prevents needing to define globals all over the place.
See also: Give()
Since: 1.0
public static instance ( ) : Give
return Give

load_textdomain() public method

Loads the plugin language files
Since: 1.0
public load_textdomain ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$api public_oe property

Give API Object
Since: 1.0
public $api

$customer_meta public_oe property

Give Customer meta DB Object
Since: 1.6
public $customer_meta

$customers public_oe property

Give Customers DB Object
Since: 1.0
public $customers

$email_access public_oe property

Give No Login Object
Since: 1.0
public $email_access

$email_tags public_oe property

Give Email Template Tags Object
Since: 1.0
public $email_tags

$emails public_oe property

Give Emails Object
Since: 1.0
public $emails

$give_settings public_oe property

Give Settings Object
Since: 1.0
public $give_settings

$html public_oe property

Give HTML Element Helper Object
Since: 1.0
public $html

$roles public_oe property

Give Roles Object
Since: 1.0
public $roles

$session public_oe property

This holds donation data for user's session.
Since: 1.0
public $session

$template_loader public_oe property

Give Template Loader Object
Since: 1.0
public $template_loader