PHP Class Give_Batch_Payments_Export, Give

Since: 1.5
Inheritance: extends Give_Batch_Export
Mostra file Open project: wordimpress/give

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$export_type string Our export type. Used for export-type specific filters/actions.

Public Methods

Method Description
csv_cols ( ) : array Set the CSV columns.
get_data ( ) : array Get the Export Data.
get_percentage_complete ( ) : integer Return the calculated completion percentage.
set_properties ( array $request ) Set the properties specific to the payments export.

Method Details

csv_cols() public method

Set the CSV columns.
Since: 1.5
public csv_cols ( ) : array
return array $cols All the columns.

get_data() public method

Get the Export Data.
Since: 1.5
public get_data ( ) : array
return array $data The data for the CSV file.

get_percentage_complete() public method

Return the calculated completion percentage.
Since: 1.5

set_properties() public method

Set the properties specific to the payments export.
Since: 1.5
public set_properties ( array $request )
$request array The Form Data passed into the batch processing.

Property Details

$export_type public_oe property

Our export type. Used for export-type specific filters/actions.
Since: 1.5
public string $export_type
return string