PHP Class Give_Forms_Widget, Give

Since: 1.0
Inheritance: extends WP_Widget
Mostra file Open project: wordimpress/give

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$self string The widget class name

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Instantiate the class
admin_widget_scripts ( string $hook ) : void Load widget assets only on the widget page
flush_widget_cache ( ) : void Flush widget cache
form ( array $instance ) : string Output the settings update form.
update ( array $new_instance, array $old_instance ) : array Update the widget
widget ( array $args, array $instance ) Echo the widget content.
widget_init ( ) : void Register the widget

Method Details

__construct() public method

Instantiate the class
public __construct ( )

admin_widget_scripts() public method

Load widget assets only on the widget page
public admin_widget_scripts ( string $hook ) : void
$hook string
return void

flush_widget_cache() public method

Flush widget cache
public flush_widget_cache ( ) : void
return void

form() public method

Output the settings update form.
public form ( array $instance ) : string
$instance array Current settings.
return string

update() public method

Update the widget
public update ( array $new_instance, array $old_instance ) : array
$new_instance array
$old_instance array
return array

widget() public method

Echo the widget content.
public widget ( array $args, array $instance )
$args array Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
$instance array The settings for the particular instance of the widget.

widget_init() public method

Register the widget
public widget_init ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$self protected_oe property

The widget class name
protected string $self
return string