PHP Class Give_License, Give

Mostra file Open project: wordimpress/give

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $_file, string $_item_name, string $_version, string $_author, string $_optname = null, string $_api_url = null ) : void Class Constructor
activate_license ( ) : void Activate License
auto_updater ( ) : void Auto Updater
deactivate_license ( ) : void Deactivate License
license_settings_content ( array $settings ) : array License Settings Content
notices ( ) : void License Notices
settings ( array $settings ) : array License Settings

Private Methods

Method Description
hooks ( ) : void Hooks
includes ( ) : void Includes

Method Details

__construct() public method

Set up the Give License Class.
public __construct ( string $_file, string $_item_name, string $_version, string $_author, string $_optname = null, string $_api_url = null ) : void
$_file string
$_item_name string
$_version string
$_author string
$_optname string
$_api_url string
return void

activate_license() public method

Activate the license key.
public activate_license ( ) : void
return void

auto_updater() public method

Setup the license auto updater.
public auto_updater ( ) : void
return void

deactivate_license() public method

Deactivate the license key.
public deactivate_license ( ) : void
return void

license_settings_content() public method

Add Some Content to the Licensing Settings.
public license_settings_content ( array $settings ) : array
$settings array License settings content.
return array License settings content.

notices() public method

Admin notices for license errors.
public notices ( ) : void
return void

settings() public method

Add license field to settings.
public settings ( array $settings ) : array
$settings array License settings.
return array License settings.