PHP Class Hive_Field_Timestamp, hive

Author: Woody Gilk ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Hive_Field_Integer
Mostra file Open project: shadowhand/hive

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$auto_now_create set the value to "now" on creation?
$auto_now_update set the value to "now" on update?
$format date format for verbose timestamps

Public Methods

Method Description
value ( $value )
verbose ( $value )

Method Details

value() public method

public value ( $value )

verbose() public method

public verbose ( $value )

Property Details

$auto_now_create public_oe property

set the value to "now" on creation?
public $auto_now_create

$auto_now_update public_oe property

set the value to "now" on update?
public $auto_now_update

$format public_oe property

date format for verbose timestamps
public $format

$null public_oe property

public $null