PHP Class Horde_Core_Factory_Alarm, horde

Copyright 2010-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Michael J. Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Core_Factory_Base
Mostra file Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_alarm Horde_Alarm A Horde_Alarm instance.
$_ttl integer TTL value.

Public Methods

Method Description
create ( ) : Horde_Alarm Return a Horde_Alarm instance.
load ( string $user = null, boolean $preload = true ) Retrieves active alarms from all applications and stores them in the backend.

Method Details

create() public method

Return a Horde_Alarm instance.
public create ( ) : Horde_Alarm
return Horde_Alarm

load() public method

The applications will only be called once in the configured time span, by default 5 minutes.
public load ( string $user = null, boolean $preload = true )
$user string Retrieve alarms for this user, or for all users if null.
$preload boolean Preload alarms that go off within the next ttl time span?

Property Details

$_alarm protected_oe property

A Horde_Alarm instance.
protected Horde_Alarm $_alarm
return Horde_Alarm

$_ttl protected_oe property

TTL value.
protected int $_ttl
return integer