PHP Class Horde_Core_History, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_History
Mostra file Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_history Horde_History

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Horde_History $history ) Const'r
_getByTimestamp ( $cmp, $ts, array $filters = [], $parent = null )
_getHistory ( $guid )
getActionModSeq ( $guid, $action )
getActionTimestamp ( $guid, $action )
getByModSeq ( $start, $end, $filters = [], $parent = null )
getByTimestamp ( $cmp, $ts, array $filters = [], $parent = null )
getHighestModSeq ( string $parent = null ) : integer Return the maximum modification sequence. To be overridden in concrete class.
getHistory ( $guid )
getLatestEntry ( $guid, $use_ts = false )
log ( $guid, array $attributes = [], $replaceAction = false )
removeByNames ( array $names )
removeByParent ( $parent )
setCache ( Horde_Cache $cache ) Set Cache object.
setLogger ( Horde_Log_Logger $logger )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_log ( Horde_History_Log $history, array $attributes, $replaceAction = false )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Horde_History $history )
$history Horde_History The actual history object.

_getByTimestamp() public method

public _getByTimestamp ( $cmp, $ts, array $filters = [], $parent = null )
$filters array

_getHistory() public method

public _getHistory ( $guid )

_log() protected method

protected _log ( Horde_History_Log $history, array $attributes, $replaceAction = false )
$history Horde_History_Log
$attributes array

getActionModSeq() public method

See also: Horde_History::getActionModSeq()
public getActionModSeq ( $guid, $action )

getActionTimestamp() public method

See also: Horde_History::getActionTimestamp()
public getActionTimestamp ( $guid, $action )

getByModSeq() public method

public getByModSeq ( $start, $end, $filters = [], $parent = null )

getByTimestamp() public method

See also: Horde_History::getByTimestamp()
public getByTimestamp ( $cmp, $ts, array $filters = [], $parent = null )
$filters array

getHighestModSeq() public method

Return the maximum modification sequence. To be overridden in concrete class.
public getHighestModSeq ( string $parent = null ) : integer
$parent string Restrict to entries a specific parent.
return integer The modseq

getHistory() public method

See also: Horde_History::getHistory()
public getHistory ( $guid )

getLatestEntry() public method

See also: Horde_History::getLatestEntry()
public getLatestEntry ( $guid, $use_ts = false )

log() public method

See also: Horde_History::log() Overridden to ensure we have the current auth username.
public log ( $guid, array $attributes = [], $replaceAction = false )
$attributes array

removeByNames() public method

See also: Horde_History::removeByNames()
public removeByNames ( array $names )
$names array

removeByParent() public method

See also: Horde_History::removeByParent()
public removeByParent ( $parent )

setCache() public method

Set Cache object.
public setCache ( Horde_Cache $cache )
$cache Horde_Cache The cache instance.

setLogger() public method

See also: Horde_History::setLogger()
public setLogger ( Horde_Log_Logger $logger )
$logger Horde_Log_Logger

Property Details

$_history protected_oe property

protected Horde_History $_history
return Horde_History