PHP Class Horde_Service_Facebook_Request_Rest, horde

Copyright 2009-2016 Horde LLC (
Author: Michael J. Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Service_Facebook_Request_Base
Mostra file Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
run ( ) : array Run this request and return the data.
upload ( array $options = [] ) Perform a multipart/form-data upload.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_addStandardParams ( array &$params ) : void Adds standard facebook api parameters to $params
_convertToCsv ( array &$params ) : string Helper function to convert array to CSV string
_createPostString ( array $params ) : string Create a string suitable for sending as POST data.
_finalizeParams ( array &$params ) : void Finalize, sanity check, standardze and sign the method parameters, $params
_postRequest ( string $method, array &$params ) : string Send a POST request

Method Details

_addStandardParams() protected method

Adds standard facebook api parameters to $params
protected _addStandardParams ( array &$params ) : void
$params array Method parameters
return void

_convertToCsv() protected method

Helper function to convert array to CSV string
protected _convertToCsv ( array &$params ) : string
$params array
return string

_createPostString() protected method

TODO: Figure out why using http_build_query doesn't work here.
protected _createPostString ( array $params ) : string
$params array The parameters array
return string The POST string

_finalizeParams() protected method

Finalize, sanity check, standardze and sign the method parameters, $params
protected _finalizeParams ( array &$params ) : void
$params array Method parameters
return void

_postRequest() protected method

Send a POST request
protected _postRequest ( string $method, array &$params ) : string
$method string The method to call.
$params array The method parameters.
return string The request results

run() public method

Run this request and return the data.
public run ( ) : array
return array The results of the request.

upload() public method

Perform a multipart/form-data upload.
public upload ( array $options = [] )
$options array An options array: - params: (array) Form parameters to pass - file: (string) Local path to the file