PHP Class IMP_Indices_Copy, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Mostra file Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
copy ( string $mbox, IMP_Indices $indices, boolean $move ) : boolean Copy/move messages.
match ( string $mbox ) : boolean Does the mailbox name match this action?

Protected Methods

Method Description
_create ( string $mbox, string $subject, string $body ) : boolean Copy/move messages.

Method Details

_create() abstract protected method

Copy/move messages.
abstract protected _create ( string $mbox, string $subject, string $body ) : boolean
$mbox string The mailbox name to copy/move the task to.
$subject string Subject.
$body string Message body.
return boolean True on success.

copy() public method

Copy/move messages.
public copy ( string $mbox, IMP_Indices $indices, boolean $move ) : boolean
$mbox string The mailbox name to copy/move the task to.
$indices IMP_Indices An indices object.
$move boolean Move if true, copy if false.
return boolean True on success.

match() abstract public method

Does the mailbox name match this action?
abstract public match ( string $mbox ) : boolean
$mbox string The mailbox name.
return boolean True if the mailbox matches this action.