PHP Class IMP_Prefs_Sort_Sortpref, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Mostra file Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_mbox IMP_Mailbox Mailbox object.
$_sortby array The sortby value.
$_sortdir array The sortdir value.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $mbox, integer $sortby = null, integer $sortdir = null ) Constructor.
__get ( $name )
__set ( $name, $value )
convertSortby ( ) Converts sortby value given current mailbox attributes.
toArray ( ) Returns the array representation of this object.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $mbox, integer $sortby = null, integer $sortdir = null )
$mbox string Mailbox.
$sortby integer Sortby value.
$sortdir integer Sortdir value.

__get() public method

public __get ( $name )

__set() public method

public __set ( $name, $value )

convertSortby() public method

Converts sortby value given current mailbox attributes.
public convertSortby ( )

toArray() public method

Returns the array representation of this object.
public toArray ( )

Property Details

$_mbox protected_oe property

Mailbox object.
protected IMP_Mailbox $_mbox
return IMP_Mailbox

$_sortby protected_oe property

The sortby value.
protected array $_sortby
return array

$_sortdir protected_oe property

The sortdir value.
protected array $_sortdir
return array