PHP Class Ingo_Transport_Ispconfig, horde

Author: Michael Bunk ([email protected])
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Ingo_Transport_Base
Mostra file Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_details array The current vacation details.
$_soap SoapClient The SOAP connection
$_soap_session string The SOAP session id

Public Methods

Method Description
setScriptActive ( array $script ) Sets a script running on the backend.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_checkConfig ( ) Checks if the realm has a specific configuration. If not, tries to fall back on the default configuration. If still not a valid configuration then returns an exception.
_connect ( ) Connects to the SOAP server.
_getUserDetails ( string $password ) : array Retrieves the current vacation details for the user.

Method Details

_checkConfig() protected method

Checks if the realm has a specific configuration. If not, tries to fall back on the default configuration. If still not a valid configuration then returns an exception.
protected _checkConfig ( )

_connect() protected method

Connects to the SOAP server.
protected _connect ( )

_getUserDetails() protected method

Retrieves the current vacation details for the user.
protected _getUserDetails ( string $password ) : array
$password string The password for user.
return array Vacation details

setScriptActive() public method

Sets a script running on the backend.
public setScriptActive ( array $script )
$script array The filter script information. Passed elements: - 'name': (string) the script name. - 'recipes': (array) the filter recipe objects. - 'script': (string) the filter script.

Property Details

$_details protected_oe property

The current vacation details.
protected array $_details
return array

$_soap protected_oe property

The SOAP connection
protected SoapClient $_soap
return SoapClient

$_soap_session protected_oe property

The SOAP session id
protected string $_soap_session
return string