PHP Class Kronolith_Event_Resource, horde

See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Luc Saillard ([email protected])
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Author: Michael J. Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Kronolith_Event_Sql
Mostra file Open project: horde/horde

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$calendarType string The type of the calender this event exists on.

Public Methods

Method Description
getDriver ( ) : Kronolith_Driver Returns a reference to a driver that's valid for this event.
getResourceReservee ( ) : string Return the name/email address or username of the reservee for this event.
getTitle ( string $user = null ) : string Returns the title of this event, considering private flags.
hasPermission ( integer $permission, string $user = null ) : boolean Encapsulates permissions checking. For now, admins, and ONLY admins have any permissions to a resource's events.
save ( ) : integer Saves changes to this event.

Method Details

getDriver() public method

Returns a reference to a driver that's valid for this event.
public getDriver ( ) : Kronolith_Driver
return Kronolith_Driver A driver that this event can use to save itself, etc.

getResourceReservee() public method

Return the name/email address or username of the reservee for this event.
public getResourceReservee ( ) : string
return string The email or username.

getTitle() public method

Returns the title of this event, considering private flags.
public getTitle ( string $user = null ) : string
$user string The current user.
return string The title of this event.

hasPermission() public method

Encapsulates permissions checking. For now, admins, and ONLY admins have any permissions to a resource's events.
public hasPermission ( integer $permission, string $user = null ) : boolean
$permission integer The permission to check for.
$user string The user to check permissions for.
return boolean

save() public method

Saves changes to this event.
public save ( ) : integer
return integer The event id.

Property Details

$calendarType public_oe property

The type of the calender this event exists on.
public string $calendarType
return string