PHP Class LineItem, googleads-php-lib

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .
Mostra file Open project: googleads/googleads-php-lib Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$creativeTargetings CreativeTargeting[]
$targeting Targeting

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $targeting = null, $creativeTargetings = null, $orderId = null, $id = null, $name = null, $externalId = null, $orderName = null, $startDateTime = null, $startDateTimeType = null, $endDateTime = null, $autoExtensionDays = null, $unlimitedEndDateTime = null, $creativeRotationType = null, $deliveryRateType = null, $roadblockingType = null, $frequencyCaps = null, $lineItemType = null, $priority = null, $costPerUnit = null, $valueCostPerUnit = null, $costType = null, $discountType = null, $discount = null, $contractedUnitsBought = null, $creativePlaceholders = null, $activityAssociations = null, $environmentType = null, $companionDeliveryOption = null, $creativePersistenceType = null, $allowOverbook = null, $skipInventoryCheck = null, $skipCrossSellingRuleWarningChecks = null, $reserveAtCreation = null, $stats = null, $deliveryIndicator = null, $deliveryData = null, $budget = null, $status = null, $reservationStatus = null, $isArchived = null, $webPropertyCode = null, $appliedLabels = null, $effectiveAppliedLabels = null, $disableSameAdvertiserCompetitiveExclusion = null, $lastModifiedByApp = null, $notes = null, $lastModifiedDateTime = null, $creationDateTime = null, $isPrioritizedPreferredDealsEnabled = null, $adExchangeAuctionOpeningPriority = null, $customFieldValues = null, $isSetTopBoxEnabled = null, $isMissingCreatives = null, $setTopBoxDisplayInfo = null, $videoMaxDuration = null, $primaryGoal = null, $secondaryGoals = null, $grpSettings = null )
__construct ( $targeting = null, $creativeTargetings = null, $orderId = null, $id = null, $name = null, $externalId = null, $orderName = null, $startDateTime = null, $startDateTimeType = null, $endDateTime = null, $autoExtensionDays = null, $unlimitedEndDateTime = null, $creativeRotationType = null, $deliveryRateType = null, $roadblockingType = null, $frequencyCaps = null, $lineItemType = null, $priority = null, $costPerUnit = null, $valueCostPerUnit = null, $costType = null, $discountType = null, $discount = null, $contractedUnitsBought = null, $creativePlaceholders = null, $activityAssociations = null, $targetPlatform = null, $environmentType = null, $companionDeliveryOption = null, $creativePersistenceType = null, $allowOverbook = null, $skipInventoryCheck = null, $skipCrossSellingRuleWarningChecks = null, $reserveAtCreation = null, $stats = null, $deliveryIndicator = null, $deliveryData = null, $budget = null, $status = null, $reservationStatus = null, $isArchived = null, $webPropertyCode = null, $appliedLabels = null, $effectiveAppliedLabels = null, $disableSameAdvertiserCompetitiveExclusion = null, $lastModifiedByApp = null, $notes = null, $lastModifiedDateTime = null, $creationDateTime = null, $isPrioritizedPreferredDealsEnabled = null, $adExchangeAuctionOpeningPriority = null, $customFieldValues = null, $isSetTopBoxEnabled = null, $isMissingCreatives = null, $setTopBoxDisplayInfo = null, $videoMaxDuration = null, $primaryGoal = null, $secondaryGoals = null, $grpSettings = null )
getNamespace ( ) : string Gets the namesapce of this class
getXsiTypeName ( ) : string Gets the xsi:type name of this class

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $targeting = null, $creativeTargetings = null, $orderId = null, $id = null, $name = null, $externalId = null, $orderName = null, $startDateTime = null, $startDateTimeType = null, $endDateTime = null, $autoExtensionDays = null, $unlimitedEndDateTime = null, $creativeRotationType = null, $deliveryRateType = null, $roadblockingType = null, $frequencyCaps = null, $lineItemType = null, $priority = null, $costPerUnit = null, $valueCostPerUnit = null, $costType = null, $discountType = null, $discount = null, $contractedUnitsBought = null, $creativePlaceholders = null, $activityAssociations = null, $environmentType = null, $companionDeliveryOption = null, $creativePersistenceType = null, $allowOverbook = null, $skipInventoryCheck = null, $skipCrossSellingRuleWarningChecks = null, $reserveAtCreation = null, $stats = null, $deliveryIndicator = null, $deliveryData = null, $budget = null, $status = null, $reservationStatus = null, $isArchived = null, $webPropertyCode = null, $appliedLabels = null, $effectiveAppliedLabels = null, $disableSameAdvertiserCompetitiveExclusion = null, $lastModifiedByApp = null, $notes = null, $lastModifiedDateTime = null, $creationDateTime = null, $isPrioritizedPreferredDealsEnabled = null, $adExchangeAuctionOpeningPriority = null, $customFieldValues = null, $isSetTopBoxEnabled = null, $isMissingCreatives = null, $setTopBoxDisplayInfo = null, $videoMaxDuration = null, $primaryGoal = null, $secondaryGoals = null, $grpSettings = null )

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $targeting = null, $creativeTargetings = null, $orderId = null, $id = null, $name = null, $externalId = null, $orderName = null, $startDateTime = null, $startDateTimeType = null, $endDateTime = null, $autoExtensionDays = null, $unlimitedEndDateTime = null, $creativeRotationType = null, $deliveryRateType = null, $roadblockingType = null, $frequencyCaps = null, $lineItemType = null, $priority = null, $costPerUnit = null, $valueCostPerUnit = null, $costType = null, $discountType = null, $discount = null, $contractedUnitsBought = null, $creativePlaceholders = null, $activityAssociations = null, $targetPlatform = null, $environmentType = null, $companionDeliveryOption = null, $creativePersistenceType = null, $allowOverbook = null, $skipInventoryCheck = null, $skipCrossSellingRuleWarningChecks = null, $reserveAtCreation = null, $stats = null, $deliveryIndicator = null, $deliveryData = null, $budget = null, $status = null, $reservationStatus = null, $isArchived = null, $webPropertyCode = null, $appliedLabels = null, $effectiveAppliedLabels = null, $disableSameAdvertiserCompetitiveExclusion = null, $lastModifiedByApp = null, $notes = null, $lastModifiedDateTime = null, $creationDateTime = null, $isPrioritizedPreferredDealsEnabled = null, $adExchangeAuctionOpeningPriority = null, $customFieldValues = null, $isSetTopBoxEnabled = null, $isMissingCreatives = null, $setTopBoxDisplayInfo = null, $videoMaxDuration = null, $primaryGoal = null, $secondaryGoals = null, $grpSettings = null )

getNamespace() public method

Gets the namesapce of this class
public getNamespace ( ) : string
return string the namespace of this class

getXsiTypeName() public method

Gets the xsi:type name of this class
public getXsiTypeName ( ) : string
return string the xsi:type name of this class

Property Details

$creativeTargetings public_oe property

public CreativeTargeting[] $creativeTargetings
return CreativeTargeting[]

$targeting public_oe property

public Targeting $targeting
return Targeting