Method |
Description |
cascadeTableDescriptor ( string $table, RecessTableDescriptor $descriptor ) |
Sanity check and semantic sugar from higher level
representation of table pushed down to the RDBMS
representation of the table. |
createTableSql ( RecessTableDescriptor $definition ) |
Given a Table Definition, return the CREATE TABLE SQL statement
in the MySQL's syntax. |
dropTable ( string $table ) |
Drop a table from MySql database. |
emptyTable ( string $table ) |
Empty a table from MySql database. |
executeSqlBuilder ( SqlBuilder $builder, string $action, PdoDataSource $source ) : boolean |
fetchAll ( PDOStatement $statement ) : array |
Fetch all returns columns typed as Recess expects:
i.e. Dates become Unix Time Based and TinyInts are converted to Boolean |
getColumns ( string $table ) : array(string) |
List the column names of a table alphabetically. |
getMysqlToRecessMappings ( ) |
getRecessToMysqlMappings ( ) |
getRecessType ( $mysqlType ) |
getStatementForBuilder ( SqlBuilder $builder, $action, PdoDataSource $source ) |
getTableDescriptor ( string $table ) : RecessTableDescriptor |
Retrieve the a table's RecessTableDescriptor. |
getTables ( ) : array(string) |
List the tables in a data source. |
init ( PDO $pdo ) |
Initialize with a reference back to the PDO object. |