PHP Class SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities, ojs

This implements HTML5 as of revision 967 (2007-06-28)
Deprecation: Use DOMDocument instead!
Mostra file Open project: pkp/ojs Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$consumed string Currently consumed bytes
$data string Data to be parsed
$position integer Position of the current byte being parsed

Public Methods

Method Description
SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities ( string $data ) Create an instance of the class with the input data
consume ( ) : mixed Consume the next byte
consume_range ( string $chars ) : mixed Consume a range of characters
entity ( ) Decode an entity
parse ( ) : string Parse the input data
unconsume ( ) Unconsume one byte

Method Details

SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities() public method

Create an instance of the class with the input data
public SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities ( string $data )
$data string Input data

consume() public method

Consume the next byte
public consume ( ) : mixed
return mixed The next byte, or false, if there is no more data

consume_range() public method

Consume a range of characters
public consume_range ( string $chars ) : mixed
$chars string Characters to consume
return mixed A series of characters that match the range, or false

entity() public method

Decode an entity
public entity ( )

parse() public method

Parse the input data
public parse ( ) : string
return string Output data

unconsume() public method

Unconsume one byte
public unconsume ( )

Property Details

$consumed public_oe property

Currently consumed bytes
public string $consumed
return string

$data public_oe property

Data to be parsed
public string $data
return string

$position public_oe property

Position of the current byte being parsed
public int $position
return integer