PHP Class Twitter_OAuthServer, twitter-php

Mostra file Open project: dg/twitter-php

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$signature_methods hi blaine
$version in seconds, five minutes

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $data_store )
add_signature_method ( $signature_method )
fetch_access_token ( &$request ) process an access_token request returns the access token on success
fetch_request_token ( &$request ) process a request_token request returns the request token on success
verify_request ( &$request ) verify an api call, checks all the parameters

Private Methods

Method Description
check_nonce ( $consumer, $token, $nonce, $timestamp ) check that the nonce is not repeated
check_signature ( $request, $consumer, $token ) all-in-one function to check the signature on a request should guess the signature method appropriately
check_timestamp ( $timestamp ) check that the timestamp is new enough
get_consumer ( $request ) try to find the consumer for the provided request's consumer key
get_signature_method ( $request ) figure out the signature with some defaults
get_token ( $request, $consumer, $token_type = "access" ) try to find the token for the provided request's token key
get_version ( &$request ) version 1

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $data_store )

add_signature_method() public method

public add_signature_method ( $signature_method )

fetch_access_token() public method

process an access_token request returns the access token on success
public fetch_access_token ( &$request )

fetch_request_token() public method

process a request_token request returns the request token on success
public fetch_request_token ( &$request )

verify_request() public method

verify an api call, checks all the parameters
public verify_request ( &$request )

Property Details

$data_store protected_oe property

protected $data_store

$signature_methods protected_oe property

hi blaine
protected $signature_methods

$timestamp_threshold protected_oe property

protected $timestamp_threshold

$version protected_oe property

in seconds, five minutes
protected $version