PHP Class URNSettingsForm, ojs

Inheritance: extends Form
Mostra file Open project: pkp/ojs

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$_contextId integer
$_plugin URNPubIdPlugin

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $plugin, $contextId ) Constructor
_getContextId ( ) : integer Get the context ID.
_getFormFields ( )
_getPlugin ( ) : URNPubIdPlugin Get the plugin.
execute ( )
fetch ( $request )
initData ( )
readInputData ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $plugin, $contextId )
$plugin URNPubIdPlugin
$contextId integer

_getContextId() public method

Get the context ID.
public _getContextId ( ) : integer
return integer

_getFormFields() public method

public _getFormFields ( )

_getPlugin() public method

Get the plugin.
public _getPlugin ( ) : URNPubIdPlugin
return URNPubIdPlugin

execute() public method

public execute ( )

fetch() public method

public fetch ( $request )

initData() public method

public initData ( )

readInputData() public method

public readInputData ( )

Property Details

$_contextId public_oe property

public int $_contextId
return integer

$_plugin public_oe property

public URNPubIdPlugin $_plugin
return URNPubIdPlugin