PHP Class WC_Admin_Webhooks

Mostra file Open project: woocommerce/woocommerce Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Initialize the webhooks admin actions.
actions ( ) Webhooks admin actions.
get_logs_navigation ( integer $total, $webhook ) : string Get the logs navigation.
get_topic_data ( $webhook ) : array Get the webhook topic data.
logs_output ( WC_Webhook $webhook ) Logs output.
notices ( ) Notices.
page_output ( ) Page output.

Private Methods

Method Description
bulk_actions ( ) Bulk actions.
bulk_trash ( array $webhooks, boolean $delete = false ) Bulk trash/delete.
bulk_untrash ( array $webhooks ) Bulk untrash.
create ( ) Create Webhook.
empty_trash ( ) Empty Trash.
is_webhook_settings_page ( ) : boolean Check if is webhook settings page.
save ( ) Save method.
table_list_output ( ) Table list output.
update_api_version ( WC_Webhook $webhook ) Update webhook api version.
update_delivery_url ( WC_Webhook $webhook ) Updated the Webhook delivery URL.
update_name ( integer $webhook_id ) Updated the Webhook name.
update_secret ( WC_Webhook $webhook ) Updated the Webhook secret.
update_status ( WC_Webhook $webhook ) Updated the Webhook status.
update_topic ( WC_Webhook $webhook ) Updated the Webhook topic.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Initialize the webhooks admin actions.
public __construct ( )

actions() public method

Webhooks admin actions.
public actions ( )

get_logs_navigation() public static method

Get the logs navigation.
public static get_logs_navigation ( integer $total, $webhook ) : string
$total integer
return string

get_topic_data() public static method

Get the webhook topic data.
public static get_topic_data ( $webhook ) : array
return array

logs_output() public static method

Logs output.
public static logs_output ( WC_Webhook $webhook )
$webhook WC_Webhook

notices() public static method

public static notices ( )

page_output() public static method

Page output.
public static page_output ( )