PHP Class Alltube\Config

Mostra file Open project: rudloff/alltube Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$avconv string avconv or ffmpeg binary path.
$convert boolean Enable audio conversion.
$curl string curl binary path.
$curl_params array curl parameters.
$params array youtube-dl parameters.
$python string python binary path.
$rtmpdump string rtmpdump binary path.
$youtubedl string youtube-dl binary path.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $options ) Config constructor.
destroyInstance ( ) : void Destroy singleton instance.
getInstance ( string $yamlfile = 'config.yml' ) : Config Get Config singleton instance from YAML config file.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Available options: * youtubedl: youtube-dl binary path * python: Python binary path * avconv: avconv or ffmpeg binary path * rtmpdump: rtmpdump binary path * curl: curl binary path * params: Array of youtube-dl parameters * curl_params: Array of curl parameters * convert: Enable conversion?
public __construct ( array $options )
$options array Options

destroyInstance() public static method

Destroy singleton instance.
public static destroyInstance ( ) : void
return void

getInstance() public static method

Get Config singleton instance from YAML config file.
public static getInstance ( string $yamlfile = 'config.yml' ) : Config
$yamlfile string YAML config file name
return Config

Property Details

$avconv public_oe property

avconv or ffmpeg binary path.
public string $avconv
return string

$convert public_oe property

Enable audio conversion.
public bool $convert
return boolean

$curl public_oe property

curl binary path.
public string $curl
return string

$curl_params public_oe property

curl parameters.
public array $curl_params
return array

$params public_oe property

youtube-dl parameters.
public array $params
return array

$python public_oe property

python binary path.
public string $python
return string

$rtmpdump public_oe property

rtmpdump binary path.
public string $rtmpdump
return string

$youtubedl public_oe property

youtube-dl binary path.
public string $youtubedl
return string