PHP Class Barryvdh\Snappy\IlluminateSnappyImage

Inheritance: extends Knp\Snappy\Image
Mostra file Open project: barryvdh/laravel-snappy Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem $fs, string $binary, array $options, array $env )

Protected Methods

Method Description
fileExists ( string $filename ) : boolean Wrapper for the "file_exists" function
filesize ( string $filename ) : integer Wrapper for the "filesize" function
getFileContents ( string $filename ) : string Wrapper for the "file_get_contents" function
isDir ( string $filename ) : boolean Wrapper for the "is_dir" function
isFile ( string $filename ) : boolean Wrapper for the "is_file" method
mkdir ( string $pathname ) : boolean Wrapper for the mkdir function
unlink ( string $filename ) : boolean Wrapper for the "unlink" function

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem $fs, string $binary, array $options, array $env )
$fs Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem
$binary string
$options array
$env array

fileExists() protected method

Wrapper for the "file_exists" function
protected fileExists ( string $filename ) : boolean
$filename string
return boolean

filesize() protected method

Wrapper for the "filesize" function
protected filesize ( string $filename ) : integer
$filename string
return integer or FALSE on failure

getFileContents() protected method

Wrapper for the "file_get_contents" function
protected getFileContents ( string $filename ) : string
$filename string
return string

isDir() protected method

Wrapper for the "is_dir" function
protected isDir ( string $filename ) : boolean
$filename string
return boolean

isFile() protected method

Wrapper for the "is_file" method
protected isFile ( string $filename ) : boolean
$filename string
return boolean

mkdir() protected method

Wrapper for the mkdir function
protected mkdir ( string $pathname ) : boolean
$pathname string
return boolean