PHP Class Bolt\Storage\Query\QueryResultset

Inheritance: extends AppendIterator, implements Countable
Mostra file Open project: bolt/bolt Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$results array

Public Methods

Method Description
add ( array $results, string $type = null )
count ( ) : integer Returns the total count
get ( string $label = null ) : ArrayIterator Allows retrieval of a set or results, if a label has been used to store results then passing the label as a parameter returns just that set of results.

Method Details

add() public method

public add ( array $results, string $type = null )
$results array A set of results
$type string An optional label to partition results

count() public method

Returns the total count
public count ( ) : integer
return integer

get() public method

Allows retrieval of a set or results, if a label has been used to store results then passing the label as a parameter returns just that set of results.
public get ( string $label = null ) : ArrayIterator
$label string
return ArrayIterator

Property Details

$results protected_oe property

protected array $results
return array