PHP Class Box\Spout\Reader\CSV\SheetIterator

Inheritance: implements Box\Spout\Reader\IteratorInterface
Mostra file Open project: box/spout

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$hasReadUniqueSheet Whether the unique "sheet" has already been read
$sheet The CSV unique "sheet"

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( resource $filePointer, ReaderOptions $options, Box\Spout\Common\Helper\GlobalFunctionsHelper $globalFunctionsHelper )
current ( ) : Sheet Return the current element
end ( ) : void Cleans up what was created to iterate over the object.
key ( ) : integer Return the key of the current element
next ( ) : void Move forward to next element
rewind ( ) : void Rewind the Iterator to the first element
valid ( ) : boolean Checks if current position is valid

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( resource $filePointer, ReaderOptions $options, Box\Spout\Common\Helper\GlobalFunctionsHelper $globalFunctionsHelper )
$filePointer resource
$options ReaderOptions
$globalFunctionsHelper Box\Spout\Common\Helper\GlobalFunctionsHelper

current() public method

Return the current element
public current ( ) : Sheet
return Sheet

end() public method

Cleans up what was created to iterate over the object.
public end ( ) : void
return void

key() public method

Return the key of the current element
public key ( ) : integer
return integer

next() public method

Move forward to next element
public next ( ) : void
return void

rewind() public method

Rewind the Iterator to the first element
public rewind ( ) : void
return void

valid() public method

Checks if current position is valid
public valid ( ) : boolean
return boolean

Property Details

$hasReadUniqueSheet protected_oe property

Whether the unique "sheet" has already been read
protected $hasReadUniqueSheet

$sheet protected_oe property

The CSV unique "sheet"
protected $sheet