PHP Class CacheTool\CacheTool

Mostra file Open project: gordalina/cachetool Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$adapter CacheTool\Adapter\AbstractAdapter
$functions array
$logger Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
$proxies array
$tempDir string

Public Methods

Method Description
__call ( string $name, array $arguments ) : mixed Calls proxy functions
__construct ( string $tempDir = null, Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = null )
addProxy ( CacheTool\Proxy\ProxyInterface $proxy ) : CacheTool
factory ( AbstractAdapter $adapter = null, string $tempDir = null, Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = null ) : CacheTool
getAdapter ( ) : AbstractAdapter
getLogger ( ) : Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
getProxies ( ) : array
setAdapter ( AbstractAdapter $adapter ) : CacheTool
setLogger ( Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger ) : CacheTool

Protected Methods

Method Description
getFunction ( string $name ) : callable Initializes functions and return callable

Method Details

__call() public method

Calls proxy functions
public __call ( string $name, array $arguments ) : mixed
$name string
$arguments array
return mixed

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $tempDir = null, Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = null )
$tempDir string
$logger Psr\Log\LoggerInterface

addProxy() public method

public addProxy ( CacheTool\Proxy\ProxyInterface $proxy ) : CacheTool
$proxy CacheTool\Proxy\ProxyInterface
return CacheTool

factory() public static method

public static factory ( AbstractAdapter $adapter = null, string $tempDir = null, Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = null ) : CacheTool
$adapter CacheTool\Adapter\AbstractAdapter
$tempDir string
$logger Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
return CacheTool

getAdapter() public method

public getAdapter ( ) : AbstractAdapter
return CacheTool\Adapter\AbstractAdapter

getFunction() protected method

Initializes functions and return callable
protected getFunction ( string $name ) : callable
$name string
return callable

getLogger() public method

public getLogger ( ) : Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
return Psr\Log\LoggerInterface

getProxies() public method

public getProxies ( ) : array
return array

setAdapter() public method

public setAdapter ( AbstractAdapter $adapter ) : CacheTool
$adapter CacheTool\Adapter\AbstractAdapter
return CacheTool

setLogger() public method

public setLogger ( Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger ) : CacheTool
$logger Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
return CacheTool

Property Details

$adapter protected_oe property

protected AbstractAdapter,CacheTool\Adapter $adapter
return CacheTool\Adapter\AbstractAdapter

$functions protected_oe property

protected array $functions
return array

$logger protected_oe property

protected LoggerInterface,Psr\Log $logger
return Psr\Log\LoggerInterface

$proxies protected_oe property

protected array $proxies
return array

$tempDir protected_oe property

protected string $tempDir
return string