PHP Class Frontend\Core\Engine\Base\Block

Inheritance: extends Object
Mostra file Open project: forkcms/forkcms Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$action string The current action
$breadcrumb Frontend\Core\Engine\Breadcrumb The breadcrumb object
$data mixed The data
$header Frontend\Core\Engine\Header The header object
$module string The current module
$pagination array Pagination array

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface $kernel, string $module, string $action, string $data = null )
addCSS ( string $file, boolean $overwritePath = false, boolean $minify = true, boolean $addTimestamp = null ) Add a CSS file into the array
addJS ( string $file, boolean $overwritePath = false, boolean $minify = true, boolean $addTimestamp = null ) Add a javascript file into the array
addJSData ( string $key, mixed $value ) Add data that should be available in JS
createForm ( string | Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface $type, mixed $data = null, array $options = [] ) : Form Creates and returns a Form instance from the type of the form.
execute ( ) Execute the action If a javascript file with the name of the module or action exists it will be loaded.
getAction ( ) : string Get the action
getContent ( ) : string Get parsed template content.
getModule ( ) : string Get the module
getOverwrite ( ) : boolean Get overwrite mode
getTemplate ( ) : TwigTemplate Get template
getTemplatePath ( ) : string Get template path
redirect ( string $url, integer $code = 302 ) Redirect to a given URL

Protected Methods

Method Description
loadTemplate ( string $path = null, boolean $overwrite = false ) Load the template
parsePagination ( string $query_parameter = 'page' ) Parse pagination
setMeta ( Meta $meta )
setOverwrite ( boolean $overwrite ) Set overwrite mode
setTemplatePath ( string $path ) Set the path for the template to include or to replace the current one

Private Methods

Method Description
setAction ( string $action ) Set the action, for later use
setData ( string $data = null ) Set the data, for later use
setModule ( string $module ) Set the module, for later use

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface $kernel, string $module, string $action, string $data = null )
$kernel Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface
$module string The name of the module.
$action string The name of the action.
$data string The data that should be available in this block.

addCSS() public method

Add a CSS file into the array
public addCSS ( string $file, boolean $overwritePath = false, boolean $minify = true, boolean $addTimestamp = null )
$file string The path for the CSS-file that should be loaded.
$overwritePath boolean Whether or not to add the module to this path. Module path is added by default.
$minify boolean Should the CSS be minified?
$addTimestamp boolean May we add a timestamp for caching purposes?

addJS() public method

Add a javascript file into the array
public addJS ( string $file, boolean $overwritePath = false, boolean $minify = true, boolean $addTimestamp = null )
$file string The path to the javascript-file that should be loaded.
$overwritePath boolean Whether or not to add the module to this path. Module path is added by default.
$minify boolean Should the file be minified?
$addTimestamp boolean May we add a timestamp for caching purposes?

addJSData() public method

Add data that should be available in JS
public addJSData ( string $key, mixed $value )
$key string The key whereunder the value will be stored.
$value mixed The value to pass.

createForm() public method

Creates and returns a Form instance from the type of the form.
public createForm ( string | Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface $type, mixed $data = null, array $options = [] ) : Form
$type string | Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface The built type of the form
$data mixed The initial data for the form
$options array Options for the form
return Symfony\Component\Form\Form

execute() public method

Execute the action If a javascript file with the name of the module or action exists it will be loaded.
public execute ( )

getAction() public method

Get the action
public getAction ( ) : string
return string

getContent() public method

Get parsed template content.
public getContent ( ) : string
return string

getModule() public method

Get the module
public getModule ( ) : string
return string

getOverwrite() public method

Get overwrite mode
public getOverwrite ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getTemplate() public method

Get template
public getTemplate ( ) : TwigTemplate
return Frontend\Core\Engine\TwigTemplate

getTemplatePath() public method

Get template path
public getTemplatePath ( ) : string
return string

loadTemplate() protected method

Load the template
protected loadTemplate ( string $path = null, boolean $overwrite = false )
$path string The path for the template to use.
$overwrite boolean Should the template overwrite the default?

parsePagination() protected method

Parse pagination
protected parsePagination ( string $query_parameter = 'page' )
$query_parameter string

redirect() public method

Redirect to a given URL
public redirect ( string $url, integer $code = 302 )
$url string The URL whereto will be redirected.
$code integer The redirect code, default is 302 which means this is a temporary redirect.

setMeta() protected method

protected setMeta ( Meta $meta )
$meta Common\Doctrine\Entity\Meta

setOverwrite() protected method

Set overwrite mode
protected setOverwrite ( boolean $overwrite )
$overwrite boolean true if the template should overwrite the current template, false if not.

setTemplatePath() protected method

Set the path for the template to include or to replace the current one
protected setTemplatePath ( string $path )
$path string The path to the template that should be loaded.

Property Details

$action protected_oe property

The current action
protected string $action
return string

$breadcrumb protected_oe property

The breadcrumb object
protected Breadcrumb,Frontend\Core\Engine $breadcrumb
return Frontend\Core\Engine\Breadcrumb

$data protected_oe property

The data
protected mixed $data
return mixed

$header protected_oe property

The header object
protected Header,Frontend\Core\Engine $header
return Frontend\Core\Engine\Header

$module protected_oe property

The current module
protected string $module
return string

$pagination protected_oe property

Pagination array
protected array $pagination
return array