PHP Class Gliph\Traversal\DepthFirst

Mostra file Open project: sdboyer/gliph Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
find_sources ( Gliph\Graph\Digraph $graph, Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstVisitorInterface $visitor ) : SplQueue Finds source vertices in a Digraph, then enqueues them.
toposort ( Gliph\Graph\Digraph $graph, object | SplDoublyLinkedList $start = NULL ) : array Performs a topological sort on the provided graph.
traverse ( Gliph\Graph\Digraph $graph, Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstVisitorInterface $visitor, object | SplDoublyLinkedList $start = NULL ) Perform a depth-first traversal on the provided graph.

Method Details

find_sources() public static method

Finds source vertices in a Digraph, then enqueues them.
public static find_sources ( Gliph\Graph\Digraph $graph, Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstVisitorInterface $visitor ) : SplQueue
$graph Gliph\Graph\Digraph
$visitor Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstVisitorInterface
return SplQueue

toposort() public static method

Performs a topological sort on the provided graph.
public static toposort ( Gliph\Graph\Digraph $graph, object | SplDoublyLinkedList $start = NULL ) : array
$graph Gliph\Graph\Digraph
$start object | SplDoublyLinkedList The starting point(s) for the toposort. @see DepthFirst::traverse()
return array A valid topologically sorted list for the provided graph.

traverse() public static method

Perform a depth-first traversal on the provided graph.
public static traverse ( Gliph\Graph\Digraph $graph, Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstVisitorInterface $visitor, object | SplDoublyLinkedList $start = NULL )
$graph Gliph\Graph\Digraph The graph on which to perform the depth-first search.
$visitor Gliph\Visitor\DepthFirstVisitorInterface The visitor object to use during the traversal.
$start object | SplDoublyLinkedList A vertex, or vertices, to use as start points for the traversal. There are a few sub-behaviors here: - If an SplDoublyLinkedList, SplQueue, or SplStack is provided, the traversal will deque and visit vertices contained therein. - If a single vertex object is provided, it will be the sole originating point for the traversal. - If no value is provided, DepthFirst::find_sources() is called to search the graph for source vertices. These are place into an SplQueue in the order in which they are discovered, and traversal is then run over that queue in the same manner as if calling code had provided a queue directly. This method *guarantees* that all vertices in the graph will be visited.