PHP Class InstagramScraper\Model\Account

Mostra file Open project: raiym/instagram-php-scraper Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$biography string Information filled by user
$externalUrl string Url provided by user in profile
$followedByCount integer Number of followers
$followsCount integer Number of subscriptions
$fullName string Full name
$id string User id
$isPrivate boolean true if account is private
$isVerified boolean true if verified by Instagram as celebrity
$mediaCount integer Number of medias published by user
$profilePicUrl string Profile picture url
$username string Username

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( )
fromAccountPage ( $userArray )
fromMediaPage ( $userArray )
fromSearchPage ( $userArray )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

fromAccountPage() public static method

public static fromAccountPage ( $userArray )

fromMediaPage() public static method

public static fromMediaPage ( $userArray )

fromSearchPage() public static method

public static fromSearchPage ( $userArray )

Property Details

$biography public_oe property

Information filled by user
public string $biography
return string

$externalUrl public_oe property

Url provided by user in profile
public string $externalUrl
return string

$followedByCount public_oe property

Number of followers
public int $followedByCount
return integer

$followsCount public_oe property

Number of subscriptions
public int $followsCount
return integer

$fullName public_oe property

Full name
public string $fullName
return string

$id public_oe property

User id
public string $id
return string

$isPrivate public_oe property

true if account is private
public bool $isPrivate
return boolean

$isVerified public_oe property

true if verified by Instagram as celebrity
public bool $isVerified
return boolean

$mediaCount public_oe property

Number of medias published by user
public int $mediaCount
return integer

$profilePicUrl public_oe property

Profile picture url
public string $profilePicUrl
return string

$username public_oe property

public string $username
return string