PHP Class lithium\console\Dispatcher

The console dispatcher is responsible for accepting requests from scripts called from the command line, and executing the appropriate Command class(es). The run() method accepts an instance of lithium\console\Request, which encapsulates the console environment and any command-line parameters passed to the script. Dispatcher then invokes lithium\console\Router to determine the correct Command class to invoke, and which method should be called.
Inheritance: extends lithium\core\StaticObject
Mostra file Open project: unionofrad/lithium Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_classes array Class must implement a parse() method, which must return an array with (at a minimum) 'command' and 'action' keys.
$_rules array Each key in the array represents a 'rule'; if a key that matches the rule is present (and not empty) in a route, (i.e. the result of lithium\console\Router::parse()) then the rule's value will be applied to the route before it is dispatched. When applying a rule, any array elements array elements of the flag which are present in the route will be modified using a lithium\util\String::insert()-formatted string.

Public Methods

Method Description
applyRules ( array $params ) : array Attempts to apply a set of formatting rules from $_rules to a $params array.
config ( array $config = [] ) : array Used to set configuration parameters for the Dispatcher.
run ( object $request = null, array $options = [] ) : object Dispatches a request based on a request object (an instance of lithium\console\Request).

Protected Methods

Method Description
_call ( string $callable, string $request, string $params ) : mixed Calls a given command with the appropriate action.
_callable ( object $request, array $params, array $options ) : class Determines which command to use for current request.

Method Details

_call() protected static method

This method is responsible for calling a $callable command and returning its result.
protected static _call ( string $callable, string $request, string $params ) : mixed
$callable string The callable command.
$request string The associated `Request` object.
$params string Additional params that should be passed along.
return mixed Returns the result of the called action, typically `true` or `false`.

_callable() protected static method

Determines which command to use for current request.
protected static _callable ( object $request, array $params, array $options ) : class
$request object An instance of a `Request` object.
$params array Request params that can be accessed inside the filter.
$options array
return class lithium\console\Command Returns the instantiated command object.

applyRules() public static method

Each formatting rule is applied if the key of the rule in $_rules is present and not empty in $params. Also performs sanity checking against $params to ensure that no value matching a rule is present unless the rule check passes.
public static applyRules ( array $params ) : array
$params array An array of route parameters to which rules will be applied.
return array Returns the `$params` array with formatting rules applied to array values.

config() public static method

Used to set configuration parameters for the Dispatcher.
public static config ( array $config = [] ) : array
$config array Optional configuration params.
return array If no parameters are passed, returns an associative array with the current configuration, otherwise returns null.

run() public static method

If $request is null, a new request object is instantiated based on the value of the 'request' key in the $_classes array.
public static run ( object $request = null, array $options = [] ) : object
$request object An instance of a request object with console request information. If `null`, an instance will be created.
$options array
return object The command action result which is an instance of `lithium\console\Response`.

Property Details

$_classes protected_oe static_oe property

Class must implement a parse() method, which must return an array with (at a minimum) 'command' and 'action' keys.
See also: lithium\console\Router::parse()
protected static array $_classes
return array

$_rules protected_oe static_oe property

Each key in the array represents a 'rule'; if a key that matches the rule is present (and not empty) in a route, (i.e. the result of lithium\console\Router::parse()) then the rule's value will be applied to the route before it is dispatched. When applying a rule, any array elements array elements of the flag which are present in the route will be modified using a lithium\util\String::insert()-formatted string.
See also: lithium\console\Dispatcher::config()
See also: lithium\util\String::insert()
protected static array $_rules
return array