PHP Class Neos\Flow\Error\Debugger

Mostra file Open project: neos/flow-development-collection Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$stylesheetEchoed boolean Is set to TRUE once the CSS file is included in the current page to prevent double inclusions of the CSS file.

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$blacklistedPropertyNames string
$ignoredClassesFallback array This is a fallback in case the classes could not be fetched from the configuration
$ignoredClassesRegex string
$objectManager Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface
$renderedObjects array

Public Methods

Method Description
clearState ( ) : void Clear the state of the debugger
getBacktraceCode ( array $trace, boolean $includeCode = true, boolean $plaintext = false ) : string Renders some backtrace
getCodeSnippet ( string $filePathAndName, integer $lineNumber, boolean $plaintext = false ) : string Returns a code snippet from the specified file.
getIgnoredClassesRegex ( ) : string Tries to load the 'Neos.Flow.error.debugger.ignoredClasses' setting to build a regular expression that can be used to filter ignored class names If settings can't be loaded it uses self::$ignoredClassesFallback.
injectObjectManager ( Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager ) : void Injects the Object Manager
renderDump ( mixed $variable, integer $level, boolean $plaintext = false, boolean $ansiColors = false ) : string Renders a dump of the given variable

Protected Methods

Method Description
ansiEscapeWrap ( string $string, string $ansiColors, boolean $enable = true ) : string Wrap a string with the ANSI escape sequence for colorful output
renderArrayDump ( array $array, integer $level, boolean $plaintext = false, boolean $ansiColors = false ) : string Renders a dump of the given array
renderObjectDump ( object $object, integer $level, boolean $renderProperties = true, boolean $plaintext = false, boolean $ansiColors = false ) : string Renders a dump of the given object

Method Details

ansiEscapeWrap() protected static method

Wrap a string with the ANSI escape sequence for colorful output
protected static ansiEscapeWrap ( string $string, string $ansiColors, boolean $enable = true ) : string
$string string The string to wrap
$ansiColors string The ansi color sequence (e.g. "1;37")
$enable boolean If FALSE, the raw string will be returned
return string The wrapped or raw string

clearState() public static method

Clear the state of the debugger
public static clearState ( ) : void
return void

getBacktraceCode() public static method

Renders some backtrace
public static getBacktraceCode ( array $trace, boolean $includeCode = true, boolean $plaintext = false ) : string
$trace array The trace
$includeCode boolean Include code snippet
$plaintext boolean
return string Backtrace information

getCodeSnippet() public static method

Returns a code snippet from the specified file.
public static getCodeSnippet ( string $filePathAndName, integer $lineNumber, boolean $plaintext = false ) : string
$filePathAndName string Absolute path and filename of the PHP file
$lineNumber integer Line number defining the center of the code snippet
$plaintext boolean
return string The code snippet

getIgnoredClassesRegex() public static method

Tries to load the 'Neos.Flow.error.debugger.ignoredClasses' setting to build a regular expression that can be used to filter ignored class names If settings can't be loaded it uses self::$ignoredClassesFallback.
public static getIgnoredClassesRegex ( ) : string
return string

injectObjectManager() public static method

Injects the Object Manager
public static injectObjectManager ( Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager ) : void
$objectManager Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface
return void

renderArrayDump() protected static method

Renders a dump of the given array
protected static renderArrayDump ( array $array, integer $level, boolean $plaintext = false, boolean $ansiColors = false ) : string
$array array
$level integer
$plaintext boolean
$ansiColors boolean
return string

renderDump() public static method

Renders a dump of the given variable
public static renderDump ( mixed $variable, integer $level, boolean $plaintext = false, boolean $ansiColors = false ) : string
$variable mixed
$level integer
$plaintext boolean
$ansiColors boolean
return string

renderObjectDump() protected static method

Renders a dump of the given object
protected static renderObjectDump ( object $object, integer $level, boolean $renderProperties = true, boolean $plaintext = false, boolean $ansiColors = false ) : string
$object object
$level integer
$renderProperties boolean
$plaintext boolean
$ansiColors boolean
return string

Property Details

$blacklistedPropertyNames protected_oe static_oe property

protected static string $blacklistedPropertyNames
return string

$ignoredClassesFallback protected_oe static_oe property

This is a fallback in case the classes could not be fetched from the configuration
protected static array $ignoredClassesFallback
return array

$ignoredClassesRegex protected_oe static_oe property

protected static string $ignoredClassesRegex
return string

$objectManager protected_oe static_oe property

protected static ObjectManagerInterface,Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement $objectManager
return Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManagerInterface

$renderedObjects protected_oe static_oe property

protected static array $renderedObjects
return array

$stylesheetEchoed public_oe static_oe property

Is set to TRUE once the CSS file is included in the current page to prevent double inclusions of the CSS file.
public static bool $stylesheetEchoed
return boolean