The configuration array must have the following structure:
Example 1:
'variable1' => array(
'_only' => array('property1', 'property2', ...)
'variable2' => array(
'_exclude' => array('property3', 'property4, ...)
'variable3' => array(
'_exclude' => array('secretTitle'),
'_descend' => array(
'customer' => array(
'_only' => array('firstName', 'lastName')
'somearrayvalue' => array(
'_descendAll' => array(
'_only' => array('property1')
Of variable1 only property1 and property2 will be included.
Of variable2 all properties except property3 and property4
are used.
Of variable3 all properties except secretTitle are included.
If a property value is an array or object, it is not included
by default. If, however, such a property is listed in a "_descend"
section, the renderer will descend into this sub structure and
include all its properties (of the next level).
The configuration of each property in "_descend" has the same syntax
like at the top level. Therefore - theoretically - infinitely nested
structures can be configured.
To export indexed arrays the "_descendAll" section can be used to
include all array keys for the output. The configuration inside a
"_descendAll" will be applied to each array element.
Example 2: exposing object identifier
'variableFoo' => array(
'_exclude' => array('secretTitle'),
'_descend' => array(
'customer' => array( // consider 'customer' being a persisted entity
'_only' => array('firstName'),
'_exposeObjectIdentifier' => TRUE,
'_exposedObjectIdentifierKey' => 'guid'
Note for entity objects you are able to expose the object's identifier
also, just add an "_exposeObjectIdentifier" directive set to TRUE and
an additional property '__identity' will appear keeping the persistence
identifier. Renaming that property name instead of '__identity' is also
possible with the directive "_exposedObjectIdentifierKey".
Example 2 above would output (summarized):
Example 3: exposing object's class name
'variableFoo' => array(
'_exclude' => array('secretTitle'),
'_descend' => array(
'customer' => array( // consider 'customer' being an object
'_only' => array('firstName'),
'_exposeClassName' => Neos\Flow\Mvc\View\JsonView::EXPOSE_CLASSNAME_FULLY_QUALIFIED
The _exposeClassName is similar to the objectIdentifier one, but the class name is added to the
JSON object output, for example (summarized):
The other option is EXPOSE_CLASSNAME_UNQUALIFIED which only will give the last part of the class
without the namespace, for example (summarized):
This might be of interest to not provide information about the package or domain structure behind.