PHP Class Nette\Database\Drivers\SqliteDriver

Inheritance: extends Nette\Object, implements Nette\Database\ISupplementalDriver
Mostra file Open project: nette/database

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Connection $connection, array $options )
applyLimit ( &$sql, $limit, $offset ) Injects LIMIT/OFFSET to the SQL query.
convertException ( PDOException $e )
delimite ( $name ) Delimites identifier for use in a SQL statement.
formatBool ( $value ) Formats boolean for use in a SQL statement.
formatDateInterval ( DateInterval $value ) Formats date-time interval for use in a SQL statement.
formatDateTime ( $value ) Formats date-time for use in a SQL statement.
formatLike ( $value, $pos ) Encodes string for use in a LIKE statement.
getColumnTypes ( PDOStatement $statement ) Returns associative array of detected types (IReflection::FIELD_*) in result set.
getColumns ( $table ) Returns metadata for all columns in a table.
getForeignKeys ( $table ) Returns metadata for all foreign keys in a table.
getIndexes ( $table ) Returns metadata for all indexes in a table.
getTables ( ) Returns list of tables.
isSupported ( $item ) : boolean
normalizeRow ( $row ) Normalizes result row.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Connection $connection, array $options )
$connection Nette\Database\Connection
$options array

applyLimit() public method

Injects LIMIT/OFFSET to the SQL query.
public applyLimit ( &$sql, $limit, $offset )

convertException() public method

public convertException ( PDOException $e )
$e PDOException

delimite() public method

Delimites identifier for use in a SQL statement.
public delimite ( $name )

formatBool() public method

Formats boolean for use in a SQL statement.
public formatBool ( $value )

formatDateInterval() public method

Formats date-time interval for use in a SQL statement.
public formatDateInterval ( DateInterval $value )
$value DateInterval

formatDateTime() public method

Formats date-time for use in a SQL statement.
public formatDateTime ( $value )

formatLike() public method

Encodes string for use in a LIKE statement.
public formatLike ( $value, $pos )

getColumnTypes() public method

Returns associative array of detected types (IReflection::FIELD_*) in result set.
public getColumnTypes ( PDOStatement $statement )
$statement PDOStatement

getColumns() public method

Returns metadata for all columns in a table.
public getColumns ( $table )

getForeignKeys() public method

Returns metadata for all foreign keys in a table.
public getForeignKeys ( $table )

getIndexes() public method

Returns metadata for all indexes in a table.
public getIndexes ( $table )

getTables() public method

Returns list of tables.
public getTables ( )

isSupported() public method

public isSupported ( $item ) : boolean
return boolean

normalizeRow() public method

Normalizes result row.
public normalizeRow ( $row )