PHP Class PayPal\Test\Functional\Api\PayoutsFunctionalTest

Inheritance: extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
Mostra file Open project: paypal/rest-api-sdk-php Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
getClassName ( ) : string Returns just the classname of the test you are executing. It removes the namespaces.
setUp ( )
testCancel ( $payoutBatch ) : PayoutBatch
testCreate ( )
testGet ( $payoutBatch ) : PayoutBatch
testGetItem ( $payoutBatch ) : PayoutBatch

Method Details

getClassName() public method

Returns just the classname of the test you are executing. It removes the namespaces.
public getClassName ( ) : string
return string

setUp() public method

public setUp ( )

testCancel() public method

public testCancel ( $payoutBatch ) : PayoutBatch
$payoutBatch PayoutBatch
return PayPal\Api\PayoutBatch

testCreate() public method

public testCreate ( )

testGet() public method

public testGet ( $payoutBatch ) : PayoutBatch
$payoutBatch PayoutBatch
return PayPal\Api\PayoutBatch

testGetItem() public method

public testGetItem ( $payoutBatch ) : PayoutBatch
$payoutBatch PayoutBatch
return PayPal\Api\PayoutBatch

Property Details

$apiContext public_oe property

public $apiContext

$batchId public_oe static_oe property

public static $batchId

$mockPayPalRestCall public_oe property

public $mockPayPalRestCall

$operation public_oe property

public $operation

$response public_oe property

public $response