PHP Class PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Bullet

Inheritance: implements PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\ComparableInterface
Mostra file Open project: phpoffice/phppowerpoint Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Create a new \PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Bullet
getBulletChar ( ) : string Get bullet char
getBulletColor ( ) : Color
getBulletFont ( ) : string Get bullet font
getBulletNumericStartAt ( ) : string Get bullet numeric start at
getBulletNumericStyle ( ) : string Get bullet numeric style
getBulletType ( ) : string Get bullet type
getHashCode ( ) : string Get hash code
getHashIndex ( ) : string Get hash index
setBulletChar ( string $pValue = '-' ) : Bullet Set bullet char
setBulletColor ( Color $bulletColor ) : Bullet
setBulletFont ( string $pValue = 'Calibri' ) : Bullet Set bullet font
setBulletNumericStartAt ( integer | string $pValue = 1 ) : Bullet Set bullet numeric start at
setBulletNumericStyle ( string $pValue = self::NUMERIC_DEFAULT ) : Bullet Set bullet numeric style
setBulletType ( string $pValue = self::TYPE_NONE ) : Bullet Set bullet type
setHashIndex ( string $value ) Set hash index

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a new \PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Bullet
public __construct ( )

getBulletChar() public method

Get bullet char
public getBulletChar ( ) : string
return string

getBulletColor() public method

public getBulletColor ( ) : Color
return Color

getBulletFont() public method

Get bullet font
public getBulletFont ( ) : string
return string

getBulletNumericStartAt() public method

Get bullet numeric start at
public getBulletNumericStartAt ( ) : string
return string

getBulletNumericStyle() public method

Get bullet numeric style
public getBulletNumericStyle ( ) : string
return string

getBulletType() public method

Get bullet type
public getBulletType ( ) : string
return string

getHashCode() public method

Get hash code
public getHashCode ( ) : string
return string Hash code

getHashIndex() public method

Note that this index may vary during script execution! Only reliable moment is while doing a write of a workbook and when changes are not allowed.
public getHashIndex ( ) : string
return string Hash index

setBulletChar() public method

Set bullet char
public setBulletChar ( string $pValue = '-' ) : Bullet
$pValue string
return Bullet

setBulletColor() public method

public setBulletColor ( Color $bulletColor ) : Bullet
$bulletColor Color
return Bullet

setBulletFont() public method

Set bullet font
public setBulletFont ( string $pValue = 'Calibri' ) : Bullet
$pValue string
return Bullet

setBulletNumericStartAt() public method

Set bullet numeric start at
public setBulletNumericStartAt ( integer | string $pValue = 1 ) : Bullet
$pValue integer | string
return Bullet

setBulletNumericStyle() public method

Set bullet numeric style
public setBulletNumericStyle ( string $pValue = self::NUMERIC_DEFAULT ) : Bullet
$pValue string
return Bullet

setBulletType() public method

Set bullet type
public setBulletType ( string $pValue = self::TYPE_NONE ) : Bullet
$pValue string
return Bullet

setHashIndex() public method

Note that this index may vary during script execution! Only reliable moment is while doing a write of a workbook and when changes are not allowed.
public setHashIndex ( string $value )
$value string Hash index