PHP Class Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation

Inheritance: extends Pimcore\Model\AbstractModel
Mostra file Open project: pimcore/pimcore Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$definition Field definition
$description The key description.
$enabled boolean
$groupId integer
$groupName string The group name
$keyId integer
$mandatory boolean
$name string The key
$sorter integer
$type Field type

Public Methods

Method Description
create ( ) : KeyGroupRelation
getByGroupAndKeyId ( $groupId, $keyId ) : KeyGroupRelation
getDefinition ( ) : mixed
getDescription ( ) : mixed
getGroupId ( ) : integer
getKeyId ( ) : integer
getName ( ) : string
getSorter ( ) : integer
getType ( ) : mixed
isEnabled ( ) : boolean
isMandatory ( ) : boolean
setDefinition ( mixed $definition )
setDescription ( mixed $description )
setEnabled ( boolean $enabled )
setGroupId ( integer $groupId )
setKeyId ( integer $keyId )
setMandatory ( boolean $mandatory )
setName ( string $name )
setSorter ( integer $sorter )
setType ( mixed $type )

Method Details

create() public static method

public static create ( ) : KeyGroupRelation
return KeyGroupRelation

getByGroupAndKeyId() public static method

public static getByGroupAndKeyId ( $groupId, $keyId ) : KeyGroupRelation
return KeyGroupRelation

getDefinition() public method

public getDefinition ( ) : mixed
return mixed

getDescription() public method

public getDescription ( ) : mixed
return mixed

getGroupId() public method

public getGroupId ( ) : integer
return integer

getKeyId() public method

public getKeyId ( ) : integer
return integer

getName() public method

public getName ( ) : string
return string

getSorter() public method

public getSorter ( ) : integer
return integer

getType() public method

public getType ( ) : mixed
return mixed

isEnabled() public method

public isEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean

isMandatory() public method

public isMandatory ( ) : boolean
return boolean

setDefinition() public method

public setDefinition ( mixed $definition )
$definition mixed

setDescription() public method

public setDescription ( mixed $description )
$description mixed

setEnabled() public method

public setEnabled ( boolean $enabled )
$enabled boolean

setGroupId() public method

public setGroupId ( integer $groupId )
$groupId integer

setKeyId() public method

public setKeyId ( integer $keyId )
$keyId integer

setMandatory() public method

public setMandatory ( boolean $mandatory )
$mandatory boolean

setName() public method

public setName ( string $name )
$name string

setSorter() public method

public setSorter ( integer $sorter )
$sorter integer

setType() public method

public setType ( mixed $type )
$type mixed

Property Details

$definition public_oe property

Field definition
public $definition

$description public_oe property

The key description.
public $description

$enabled public_oe property

public bool $enabled
return boolean

$groupId public_oe property

public int $groupId
return integer

$groupName public_oe property

The group name
public string $groupName
return string

$keyId public_oe property

public int $keyId
return integer

$mandatory public_oe property

public bool $mandatory
return boolean

$name public_oe property

The key
public string $name
return string

$sorter public_oe property

public int $sorter
return integer

$type public_oe property

Field type
public $type