PHP Class Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\ParameterCollection

Author: Elliot Levin ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends ParameterCollectionBase
Mostra file Open project: timetoogo/pinq Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( )
add ( Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IQueryParameter $parameter ) : void Adds an parameter to the collection with the supplied context.
addExpression ( Expression $expression, Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IParameterHasher $hasher, Pinq\Queries\Functions\IFunction $context = null, mixed $data = null ) : void Adds an expression parameter to the collection.
addId ( $parameterId, Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IParameterHasher $hasher, mixed $data = null ) : void Adds a standard parameter id to the collection.
buildRegistry ( ) : ParameterRegistry Builds an immutable parameter registry from the added parameters.
remove ( Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IQueryParameter $parameter ) : void Removes a query parameter from the collection.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

add() public method

Adds an parameter to the collection with the supplied context.
public add ( Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IQueryParameter $parameter ) : void
$parameter Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IQueryParameter
return void

addExpression() public method

Adds an expression parameter to the collection.
public addExpression ( Expression $expression, Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IParameterHasher $hasher, Pinq\Queries\Functions\IFunction $context = null, mixed $data = null ) : void
$expression Pinq\Expressions\Expression
$hasher Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IParameterHasher
$context Pinq\Queries\Functions\IFunction
$data mixed
return void

addId() public method

Adds a standard parameter id to the collection.
public addId ( $parameterId, Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IParameterHasher $hasher, mixed $data = null ) : void
$hasher Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IParameterHasher
$data mixed
return void

buildRegistry() public method

Builds an immutable parameter registry from the added parameters.
public buildRegistry ( ) : ParameterRegistry
return ParameterRegistry

remove() public method

Removes a query parameter from the collection.
public remove ( Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IQueryParameter $parameter ) : void
$parameter Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters\IQueryParameter
return void