PHP Class Piwik\Settings\Storage\Backend\Cache

Can be used as a decorator in combination with any other storage backend.
Inheritance: implements Piwik\Settings\Storage\Backend\BackendInterface
Mostra file Open project: piwik/piwik

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Piwik\Settings\Storage\Backend\BackendInterface $backend )
buildCache ( )
clearCache ( )
delete ( )
getStorageId ( )
load ( )
save ( $values ) Saves (persists) the current setting values in the database.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Piwik\Settings\Storage\Backend\BackendInterface $backend )
$backend Piwik\Settings\Storage\Backend\BackendInterface

buildCache() public static method

public static buildCache ( )

clearCache() public static method

public static clearCache ( )

delete() public method

public delete ( )

getStorageId() public method

public getStorageId ( )

load() public method

public load ( )

save() public method

Saves (persists) the current setting values in the database.
public save ( $values )