PHP Class pocketmine\math\Vector2

If this class is modified, remember to modify the PHP C extension.
Mostra file Open project: iTXTech/Genisys Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $x, $y )
__toString ( )
abs ( )
add ( $x, $y )
ceil ( )
createRandomDirection ( Random $random )
distance ( $x, $y )
distanceSquared ( $x, $y )
divide ( $number )
dot ( Vector2 $v )
floor ( )
getFloorX ( )
getFloorY ( )
getX ( )
getY ( )
length ( )
lengthSquared ( )
multiply ( $number )
normalize ( )
round ( )
subtract ( $x, $y )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $x, $y )

__toString() public method

public __toString ( )

abs() public method

public abs ( )

add() public method

public add ( $x, $y )

ceil() public method

public ceil ( )

createRandomDirection() public static method

public static createRandomDirection ( Random $random )
$random pocketmine\utils\Random

distance() public method

public distance ( $x, $y )

distanceSquared() public method

public distanceSquared ( $x, $y )

divide() public method

public divide ( $number )

dot() public method

public dot ( Vector2 $v )
$v Vector2

floor() public method

public floor ( )

getFloorX() public method

public getFloorX ( )

getFloorY() public method

public getFloorY ( )

getX() public method

public getX ( )

getY() public method

public getY ( )

length() public method

public length ( )

lengthSquared() public method

public lengthSquared ( )

multiply() public method

public multiply ( $number )

normalize() public method

public normalize ( )

round() public method

public round ( )

subtract() public method

public subtract ( $x, $y )

Property Details

$x public_oe property

public $x

$y public_oe property

public $y