PHP Class Sastrawi\Stemmer\Stemmer

Nazief & Adriani, CS Stemmer, ECS Stemmer, Improved ECS.
Inheritance: implements Sastrawi\Stemmer\StemmerInterface
Mostra file Open project: sastrawi/sastrawi

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$dictionary Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface The dictionary containing root words
$visitorProvider Sastrawi\Stemmer\Context\Visitor\VisitorProvider Visitor provider

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface $dictionary )
getDictionary ( ) : Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface
stem ( string $text ) : string Stem a text string to its common stem form.

Protected Methods

Method Description
isPlural ( string $word ) : boolean
stemPluralWord ( string $plural ) : string Stem a plural word to its common stem form.
stemSingularWord ( string $word ) : string Stem a singular word to its common stem form.
stemWord ( string $word ) : string Stem a word to its common stem form.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface $dictionary )
$dictionary Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface

getDictionary() public method

public getDictionary ( ) : Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface
return Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface

isPlural() protected method

protected isPlural ( string $word ) : boolean
$word string
return boolean

stem() public method

Stem a text string to its common stem form.
public stem ( string $text ) : string
$text string the text string to stem, e.g : memberdayakan pembangunan
return string common stem form, e.g : daya bangun

stemPluralWord() protected method

Asian J. (2007) “Effective Techniques for Indonesian Text Retrieval” page 76-77.
protected stemPluralWord ( string $plural ) : string
$plural string the word to stem, e.g : bersama-sama
return string common stem form, e.g : sama

stemSingularWord() protected method

Stem a singular word to its common stem form.
protected stemSingularWord ( string $word ) : string
$word string the word to stem, e.g : mengalahkan
return string common stem form, e.g : kalah

stemWord() protected method

Stem a word to its common stem form.
protected stemWord ( string $word ) : string
$word string the word to stem, e.g : memberdayakan
return string common stem form, e.g : daya

Property Details

$dictionary protected_oe property

The dictionary containing root words
protected DictionaryInterface,Sastrawi\Dictionary $dictionary
return Sastrawi\Dictionary\DictionaryInterface

$visitorProvider protected_oe property

Visitor provider
protected VisitorProvider,Sastrawi\Stemmer\Context\Visitor $visitorProvider
return Sastrawi\Stemmer\Context\Visitor\VisitorProvider