PHP Class SimpleExcel\SimpleExcel

Author: Faisalman
Mostra file Open project: faisalman/simple-excel-php Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$parser CSVParser | TSVParser | XMLParser | HTMLParser | JSONParser | TSVParser | XMLParser | HTMLParser | JSONParser
$writer CSVWriter | TSVWriter | XMLWriter | HTMLWriter | JSONWriter | TSVWriter | XMLWriter | HTMLWriter | JSONWriter

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$validParserTypes array

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $filetype = 'XML' ) : void SimpleExcel constructor method
constructParser ( string $filetype ) Construct a SimpleExcel Parser
constructWriter ( string $filetype ) : boolean Construct a SimpleExcel Writer
convertTo ( string $filetype ) Change writer type to convert to another format

Method Details

__construct() public method

SimpleExcel constructor method
public __construct ( string $filetype = 'XML' ) : void
$filetype string Set the filetype of the file which will be parsed (XML/CSV/TSV/HTML/JSON)
return void

constructParser() public method

Construct a SimpleExcel Parser
public constructParser ( string $filetype )
$filetype string Set the filetype of the file which will be parsed (XML/CSV/TSV/HTML/JSON)

constructWriter() public method

Construct a SimpleExcel Writer
public constructWriter ( string $filetype ) : boolean
$filetype string Set the filetype of the file which will be written (XML/CSV/TSV/HTML/JSON)
return boolean

convertTo() public method

Change writer type to convert to another format
public convertTo ( string $filetype )
$filetype string Set the filetype of the file which will be written (XML/CSV/TSV/HTML/JSON)

Property Details

$parser public_oe property

| TSVParser | XMLParser | HTMLParser | JSONParser
public CSVParser|TSVParser|XMLParser|HTMLParser|JSONParser $parser
return CSVParser | TSVParser | XMLParser | HTMLParser | JSONParser

$validParserTypes protected_oe property

protected array $validParserTypes
return array

$validWriterTypes protected_oe property

protected $validWriterTypes

$writer public_oe property

| TSVWriter | XMLWriter | HTMLWriter | JSONWriter
public CSVWriter|TSVWriter|XMLWriter|HTMLWriter|JSONWriter $writer
return CSVWriter | TSVWriter | XMLWriter | HTMLWriter | JSONWriter