PHP Class skeeks\cms\console\controllers\CacheController
see list of available components to flush:
yii cms/cache
flush particular components specified by their names:
yii cms/cache/flush first second third
flush all cache components that can be found in the system
yii cms/cache/flush-all
yii cms/cache/flush-runtimes
yii cms/cache/flush-assets
yii cms/cache/flush-tmp-config
Note that the command uses cache components defined in your console application configuration file. If components
configured are different from web application, web application cache won't be cleared. In order to fix it please
duplicate web application cache components in console config. You can use any component names.
Mostra file
Open project: skeeks-cms/cms
Public Methods
Method Details
public method
public method
Clear rintimes directories
public method
Генерация файла со списком модулей