PHP Interface Go\Aop\IntroductionAdvisor

This interface cannot be implemented directly; subinterfaces must provide the advice type implementing the introduction. Introduction is the implementation of additional interfaces (not implemented by a target) via AOP advice.
Inheritance: extends Go\Aop\Advisor
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Public Methods

Method Description
getClassFilter ( ) : Go\Aop\PointFilter Return the filter determining which target classes this introduction should apply to.
validateInterfaces ( ) : void Can the advised interfaces be implemented by the introduction advice?

Method Details

getClassFilter() public method

This represents the class part of a pointcut. Note that method matching doesn't make sense to introductions.
public getClassFilter ( ) : Go\Aop\PointFilter
return Go\Aop\PointFilter The class filter

validateInterfaces() public method

Invoked before adding an IntroductionAdvisor.
public validateInterfaces ( ) : void
return void