PHP Interface Sulu\Bundle\MediaBundle\Media\Storage\StorageInterface

The StorageLayer is a interface to centralized management of media store.
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Public Methods

Method Description
load ( $fileName, $version, $storageOption ) : string Give back the path to the document.
loadAsString ( $fileName, $version, $storageOption ) : string Returns the content for the given file as a binary string.
remove ( $storageOption ) : mixed Removes the file from storage.
save ( $tempPath, $fileName, $version ) : mixed Save the document in a storage and give back the path to the document.

Method Details

load() public method

Give back the path to the document.
Deprecation: Deprecated since 1.4, will be removed in 2.0
public load ( $fileName, $version, $storageOption ) : string
return string

loadAsString() public method

Returns the content for the given file as a binary string.
public loadAsString ( $fileName, $version, $storageOption ) : string
return string

remove() public method

Removes the file from storage.
public remove ( $storageOption ) : mixed
return mixed

save() public method

Save the document in a storage and give back the path to the document.
public save ( $tempPath, $fileName, $version ) : mixed
return mixed