PHP Trait _generated\AcceptanceTesterActions

Mostra file Open project: phundament/app

Public Methods

Method Description
acceptPopup ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
amBearerAuthenticated ( $accessToken ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
amDigestAuthenticated ( $username, $password ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
amHttpAuthenticated ( $username, $password ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
amOnPage ( $page ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
amOnSubdomain ( $subdomain ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
amOnUrl ( $url ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
appendField ( string $field, string $value ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
attachFile ( $field, $filename ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSee ( $text, null $selector = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeHttpHeaderOnce ( $name ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeInCurrentUrl ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeInField ( $field, $value ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeInPageSource ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeInPopup ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeInSource ( $raw ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeLink ( $text, null $url = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeNumberOfElements ( $selector, mixed $expected ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeNumberOfElementsInDOM ( $selector, $expected ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseCodeIs ( $code ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseContains ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseEquals ( $expected ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseIsJson ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseIsXml ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( $jsonPath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseJsonMatchesXpath ( $xpath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeResponseMatchesJsonType ( array $jsonType, string $jsonPath = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
canSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cancelPopup ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSee ( $text, null $selector = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeInCurrentUrl ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeInField ( $field, $value ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeInPageSource ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeInSource ( $raw ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeLink ( $text, null $url = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeResponseCodeIs ( $code ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeResponseContains ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( array $jsonPath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeResponseMatchesJsonType ( $jsonType, null $jsonPath = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
cantSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
checkOption ( $option ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
click ( $link, $context = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
clickWithRightButton ( $cssOrXPath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
debugWebDriverLogs ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSee ( $text, null $selector = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeInCurrentUrl ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeInField ( $field, $value ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeInPageSource ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeInSource ( $raw ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeLink ( $text, null $url = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeResponseCodeIs ( $code ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeResponseContains ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( array $jsonPath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeResponseMatchesJsonType ( $jsonType, null $jsonPath = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
doubleClick ( $cssOrXPath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
dragAndDrop ( string $source, string $target ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
executeInSelenium ( callable $function ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
executeJS ( $script ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
fillField ( $field, $value ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
getVisibleText ( ) : string [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabAttributeFrom ( $cssOrXPath, $attribute ) : string [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabDataFromJsonResponse ( $path ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath ( string $jsonPath ) : array [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabFromCurrentUrl ( null $uri = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabHttpHeader ( $name, boolean $first = null ) : string | array [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabMultiple ( $cssOrXpath, $attribute = null ) : string[] [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabResponse ( ) : string [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabTextContentFromXmlElement ( $cssOrXPath ) : string [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabTextFrom ( $cssOrXPathOrRegex ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
grabValueFrom ( $field ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
haveHttpHeader ( $name, $value ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
loadSessionSnapshot ( string $name ) : boolean [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
makeScreenshot ( $name ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
maximizeWindow ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
moveBack ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
moveForward ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
moveMouseOver ( string $cssOrXPath, integer $offsetX = null, integer $offsetY = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
pauseExecution ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
pressKey ( $element, $char ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
reloadPage ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
resetCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
resizeWindow ( integer $width, integer $height ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
saveSessionSnapshot ( string $name ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
scrollTo ( $selector, integer $offsetX = null, integer $offsetY = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
see ( $text, null $selector = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeHttpHeaderOnce ( $name ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeInCurrentUrl ( $uri ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeInField ( $field, $value ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeInPageSource ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeInPopup ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeInSource ( $raw ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeLink ( $text, null $url = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeNumberOfElements ( $selector, mixed $expected ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeNumberOfElementsInDOM ( $selector, $expected ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseCodeIs ( $code ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseContains ( $text ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseEquals ( $expected ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseIsJson ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseIsXml ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( $jsonPath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath ( $xpath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeResponseMatchesJsonType ( array $jsonType, string $jsonPath = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
seeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
selectOption ( $select, $option ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendDELETE ( $url, array $params = null, array $files = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendGET ( $url, array $params = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendHEAD ( $url, array $params = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendLINK ( $url, array $linkEntries ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendOPTIONS ( $url, array $params = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendPATCH ( $url, array $params = null, array $files = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendPOST ( $url, array | JsonSerializable $params = null, array $files = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendPUT ( $url, array $params = null, array $files = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
sendUNLINK ( $url, array $linkEntries ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
setCookie ( $cookie, $value, array $params = null ) : mixed [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
startFollowingRedirects ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
stopFollowingRedirects ( ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
submitForm ( $selector, $params, $button = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
switchToIFrame ( string | null $name = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
switchToWindow ( string | null $name = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
typeInPopup ( $keys ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
uncheckOption ( $option ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
unselectOption ( $select, $option ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
wait ( integer $timeout ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
waitForElement ( $element, integer $timeout = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
waitForElementChange ( $element, Closure $callback, integer $timeout = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
waitForElementNotVisible ( $element, integer $timeout = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
waitForElementVisible ( $element, integer $timeout = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
waitForJS ( string $script, integer $timeout = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
waitForText ( string $text, integer $timeout = null, null $selector = null ) [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getScenario ( ) : Codeception\Scenario

Method Details

acceptPopup() public method

Accepts the active JavaScript native popup window, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt. Don't confuse popups with modal windows, as created by various libraries.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::acceptPopup()
public acceptPopup ( )

amBearerAuthenticated() public method

Adds Bearer authentication via access token.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::amBearerAuthenticated()
public amBearerAuthenticated ( $accessToken )

amDigestAuthenticated() public method

Adds Digest authentication via username/password.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::amDigestAuthenticated()
public amDigestAuthenticated ( $username, $password )

amHttpAuthenticated() public method

Adds HTTP authentication via username/password.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::amHttpAuthenticated()
public amHttpAuthenticated ( $username, $password )

amOnPage() public method

Opens the page for the given relative URI. php amOnPage('/'); opens /register page $I->amOnPage('/register');
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::amOnPage()
public amOnPage ( $page )

amOnSubdomain() public method

Changes the subdomain for the 'url' configuration parameter. Does not open a page; use amOnPage for that. php amOnSubdomain('user'); $I->amOnPage('/'); moves to ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::amOnSubdomain()
public amOnSubdomain ( $subdomain ) : mixed
return mixed

amOnUrl() public method

Open web page at the given absolute URL and sets its hostname as the base host. php amOnUrl(''); $I->amOnPage('/quickstart'); // moves to ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::amOnUrl()
public amOnUrl ( $url )

appendField() public method

Append the given text to the given element. Can also add a selection to a select box. php appendField('#mySelectbox', 'SelectValue'); $I->appendField('#myTextField', 'appended'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::appendField()
public appendField ( string $field, string $value )
$field string
$value string

attachFile() public method

Attaches a file relative to the Codeception data directory to the given file upload field. php attachFile('input[@type="file"]', 'prices.xls'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::attachFile()
public attachFile ( $field, $filename )

canSee() public method

Checks that the current page contains the given string (case insensitive). You can specify a specific HTML element (via CSS or XPath) as the second parameter to only search within that element. php see('Logout'); // I can suppose user is logged in $I->see('Sign Up', 'h1'); // I can suppose it's a signup page $I->see('Sign Up', '//body/h1'); // with XPath Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body, so $I->see('strong') will return true for strings like: -

I am Stronger than thou

- But will *not* be true for strings like: - Home -
Home - For checking the raw source code, use seeInSource().
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::see()
public canSee ( $text, null $selector = null )
$selector null Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeCheckboxIsChecked() public method

Checks that the specified checkbox is checked. php seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user agreed to terms, If there is only one checkbox in form. $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('//form/input[@type=checkbox and @name=agree]'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCheckboxIsChecked()
public canSeeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox )
$checkbox Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeCookie() public method

Checks that a cookie with the given name is set. You can set additional cookie params like domain, path as array passed in last argument. php seeCookie('PHPSESSID'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCookie()
public canSeeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeCurrentUrlEquals() public method

Checks that the current URL is equal to the given string. Unlike seeInCurrentUrl, this only matches the full URL. php seeCurrentUrlEquals('/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlEquals()
public canSeeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri )
$uri Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeCurrentUrlMatches() public method

Checks that the current URL matches the given regular expression. php seeCurrentUrlMatches('~$/users/(\d+)~'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlMatches()
public canSeeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri )
$uri Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeElement() public method

Checks that the given element exists on the page and is visible. You can also specify expected attributes of this element. php seeElement('.error'); $I->seeElement('//form/input[1]'); $I->seeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']); $I->seeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']); strict locator in first arg, attributes in second $I->seeElement(['css' => 'form input'], ['name' => 'login']); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElement()
public canSeeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null )
$attributes array

canSeeElementInDOM() public method

Checks that the given element exists on the page, even it is invisible. php seeElementInDOM('//form/input[type=hidden]'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElementInDOM()
public canSeeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null )
$selector Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeHttpHeader() public method

Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally) its value, asserting that are there
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeHttpHeader()
public canSeeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null )

canSeeHttpHeaderOnce() public method

Checks that http response header is received only once. HTTP RFC2616 allows multiple response headers with the same name. You can check that you didn't accidentally sent the same header twice. php seeHttpHeaderOnce('Cache-Control'); ?>>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeHttpHeaderOnce()
public canSeeHttpHeaderOnce ( $name )

canSeeInCurrentUrl() public method

Checks that current URI contains the given string. php seeInCurrentUrl('home'); to match: /users/1 $I->seeInCurrentUrl('/users/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInCurrentUrl()
public canSeeInCurrentUrl ( $uri )
$uri Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeInField() public method

Checks that the given input field or textarea contains the given value. For fuzzy locators, fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, and XPath. php seeInField('Body','Type your comment here'); $I->seeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here'); $I->seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value'); $I->seeInField('#searchform input','Search'); $I->seeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search'); $I->seeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInField()
public canSeeInField ( $field, $value )
$value Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeInFormFields() public method

Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are set on the form matched with the passed selector. php seeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [ 'input1' => 'value', 'input2' => 'other value', ]); ?> For multi-select elements, or to check values of multiple elements with the same name, an array may be passed: php seeInFormFields('.form-class', [ 'multiselect' => [ 'value1', 'value2', ], 'checkbox[]' => [ 'a checked value', 'another checked value', ], ]); ?> Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean. php seeInFormFields('#form-id', [ 'checkbox1' => true, // passes if checked 'checkbox2' => false, // passes if unchecked ]); ?> Pair this with submitForm for quick testing magic. php 'value', 'field2' => 'another value', 'checkbox1' => true, ... ]; $I->submitForm('//form[@id=my-form]', $form, 'submitButton'); $I->amOnPage('/path/to/form-page') may be needed $I->seeInFormFields('//form[@id=my-form]', $form); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInFormFields()
public canSeeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params )
$params Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeInPageSource() public method

Checks that the page source contains the given string. php seeInPageSource('
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInPageSource()
public canSeeInPageSource ( $text )
$text Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeInPopup() public method

Checks that the active JavaScript popup, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt, contains the given string.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInPopup()
public canSeeInPopup ( $text )
$text Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeInSource() public method

Checks that the current page contains the given string in its raw source code. php seeInSource('

Green eggs & ham

See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInSource()
public canSeeInSource ( $raw )
$raw Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeInTitle() public method

Checks that the page title contains the given string. php seeInTitle('Blog - Post #1'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInTitle()
public canSeeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed
return mixed Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeNumberOfElements() public method

Checks that there are a certain number of elements matched by the given locator on the page. php seeNumberOfElements('tr', 10); $I->seeNumberOfElements('tr', [0,10]); //between 0 and 10 elements ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElements()
public canSeeNumberOfElements ( $selector, mixed $expected )
$expected mixed : - string: strict number - array: range of numbers [0,10] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeNumberOfElementsInDOM() public method

Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElementsInDOM()
public canSeeNumberOfElementsInDOM ( $selector, $expected )

canSeeOptionIsSelected() public method

Checks that the given option is selected. php seeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeOptionIsSelected()
public canSeeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed
return mixed Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeResponseCodeIs() public method

Checks response code equals to provided value.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseCodeIs()
public canSeeResponseCodeIs ( $code )
$code Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeResponseContains() public method

Checks whether the last response contains text.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseContains()
public canSeeResponseContains ( $text )

canSeeResponseContainsJson() public method

Checks whether the last JSON response contains provided array. The response is converted to array with json_decode($response, true) Thus, JSON is represented by associative array. This method matches that response array contains provided array. Examples: php seeResponseContainsJson(array('name' => 'john')); response {user: john, profile: { email: [email protected] }} $I->seeResponseContainsJson(array('email' => '[email protected]')); ?> This method recursively checks if one array can be found inside of another.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseContainsJson()
public canSeeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null )
$json array

canSeeResponseEquals() public method

Checks if response is exactly the same as provided.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseEquals()
public canSeeResponseEquals ( $expected )

canSeeResponseIsJson() public method

Checks whether last response was valid JSON. This is done with json_last_error function.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseIsJson()

canSeeResponseIsXml() public method

Checks whether last response was valid XML. This is done with libxml_get_last_error function.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseIsXml()
public canSeeResponseIsXml ( )

canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath() public method

Checks if json structure in response matches JsonPath. JsonPath is XPath equivalent for querying Json structures. Try your JsonPath expressions online. This assertion allows you to check the structure of response json. This method **require flow/jsonpath > 0.2 library to be installed**. json { "store": { "book": [ { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99 } ], "bicycle": { "color": "red", "price": 19.95 } } } php seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$[*].author'); first book in store has author $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$[0].author'); at least one item in store has price $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.store..price'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath()
public canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( $jsonPath )

canSeeResponseJsonMatchesXpath() public method

Checks if json structure in response matches the xpath provided. JSON is not supposed to be checked against XPath, yet it can be converted to xml and used with XPath. This assertion allows you to check the structure of response json. * json { "store": { "book": [ { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99 } ], "bicycle": { "color": "red", "price": 19.95 } } } php seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath('//store/book/author'); first book in store has author $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath('//store/book[1]/author'); at least one item in store has price $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath('/store//price'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath()
public canSeeResponseJsonMatchesXpath ( $xpath )

canSeeResponseMatchesJsonType() public method

Checks that Json matches provided types. In case you don't know the actual values of JSON data returned you can match them by type. Starts check with a root element. If JSON data is array it will check the first element of an array. You can specify the path in the json which should be checked with JsonPath Basic example: php seeResponseMatchesJsonType([ 'user_id' => 'integer', 'name' => 'string|null', 'is_active' => 'boolean' ]); narrow down matching with JsonPath: {"users": [{ "name": "davert"}, {"id": 1}]} $I->seeResponseMatchesJsonType(['name' => 'string'], '$.users[0]'); ?> In this case you can match that record contains fields with data types you expected. The list of possible data types: * string * integer * float * array (json object is array as well) * boolean You can also use nested data type structures: php seeResponseMatchesJsonType([ 'user_id' => 'integer|string', // multiple types 'company' => ['name' => 'string'] ]); ?> You can also apply filters to check values. Filter can be applied with : char after the type declatation. Here is the list of possible filters: * integer:>{val} - checks that integer is greater than {val} (works with float and string types too). * integer:<{val} - checks that integer is lower than {val} (works with float and string types too). * string:url - checks that value is valid url. * string:date - checks that value is date in JavaScript format: * string:email - checks that value is a valid email according to * string:regex({val}) - checks that string matches a regex provided with {val} This is how filters can be used: php '[email protected]'} $I->seeResponseMatchesJsonType([ 'user_id' => 'string:>0:<1000', // multiple filters can be used 'email' => 'string:regex(~\@~)' // we just check that @ char is included ]); {'user_id': '1'} $I->seeResponseMatchesJsonType( 'user_id' => 'string:>0', // works with strings as well } ?> You can also add custom filters y accessing JsonType::addCustomFilter method. See [JsonType reference.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseMatchesJsonType()
public canSeeResponseMatchesJsonType ( array $jsonType, string $jsonPath = null )
$jsonType array
$jsonPath string Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

canSeeXmlResponseEquals() public method

Checks XML response equals provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s. Parameters can be passed either as DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeXmlResponseEquals()
public canSeeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml )

canSeeXmlResponseIncludes() public method

Checks XML response includes provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xmls. Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes). Example: php seeXmlResponseIncludes("1"); ?> ```
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeXmlResponseIncludes()
public canSeeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml )

canSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath() public method

Checks wheather XML response matches XPath php seeXmlResponseMatchesXpath('//root/user[@id=1]');
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeXmlResponseMatchesXpath()
public canSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath )
$xpath Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cancelPopup() public method

Dismisses the active JavaScript popup, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::cancelPopup()
public cancelPopup ( )

cantSee() public method

Checks that the current page doesn't contain the text specified (case insensitive). Give a locator as the second parameter to match a specific region. php dontSee('Login'); // I can suppose user is already logged in $I->dontSee('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's not a signup page $I->dontSee('Sign Up','//body/h1'); // with XPath Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body, so $I->dontSee('strong') will fail on strings like: -

I am Stronger than thou

- But will ignore strings like: - Home -
Home - For checking the raw source code, use seeInSource().
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSee()
public cantSee ( $text, null $selector = null )
$selector null Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeCheckboxIsChecked() public method

Check that the specified checkbox is unchecked. php dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user didn't agree to terms $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user didn't check the first checkbox in form. ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked()
public cantSeeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox )
$checkbox Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeCookie() public method

Checks that there isn't a cookie with the given name. You can set additional cookie params like domain, path as array passed in last argument.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCookie()
public cantSeeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeCurrentUrlEquals() public method

Checks that the current URL doesn't equal the given string. Unlike dontSeeInCurrentUrl, this only matches the full URL. php dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals()
public cantSeeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri )
$uri Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeCurrentUrlMatches() public method

Checks that current url doesn't match the given regular expression. php dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches('~$/users/(\d+)~'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches()
public cantSeeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri )
$uri Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeElement() public method

Checks that the given element is invisible or not present on the page. You can also specify expected attributes of this element. php dontSeeElement('.error'); $I->dontSeeElement('//form/input[1]'); $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']); $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElement()
public cantSeeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null )
$attributes array Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeElementInDOM() public method

Opposite of seeElementInDOM.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElementInDOM()
public cantSeeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null )
$selector Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeHttpHeader() public method

Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally) its value, asserting that are not there
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeHttpHeader()
public cantSeeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null )

cantSeeInCurrentUrl() public method

Checks that the current URI doesn't contain the given string. php dontSeeInCurrentUrl('/users/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInCurrentUrl()
public cantSeeInCurrentUrl ( $uri )
$uri Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeInField() public method

Checks that an input field or textarea doesn't contain the given value. For fuzzy locators, the field is matched by label text, CSS and XPath. php dontSeeInField('Body','Type your comment here'); $I->dontSeeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here'); $I->dontSeeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value'); $I->dontSeeInField('#searchform input','Search'); $I->dontSeeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search'); $I->dontSeeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInField()
public cantSeeInField ( $field, $value )
$value Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeInFormFields() public method

Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are not set on the form matched with the passed selector. php dontSeeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [ 'input1' => 'non-existent value', 'input2' => 'other non-existent value', ]); ?> To check that an element hasn't been assigned any one of many values, an array can be passed as the value: php dontSeeInFormFields('.form-class', [ 'fieldName' => [ 'This value shouldn\'t be set', 'And this value shouldn\'t be set', ], ]); ?> Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean. php dontSeeInFormFields('#form-id', [ 'checkbox1' => true, // fails if checked 'checkbox2' => false, // fails if unchecked ]); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInFormFields()
public cantSeeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params )
$params Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeInPageSource() public method

Checks that the page source doesn't contain the given string.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInPageSource()
public cantSeeInPageSource ( $text )
$text Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeInSource() public method

Checks that the current page contains the given string in its raw source code. php dontSeeInSource('

Green eggs & ham

See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInSource()
public cantSeeInSource ( $raw )
$raw Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeInTitle() public method

Checks that the page title does not contain the given string.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInTitle()
public cantSeeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed
return mixed Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeOptionIsSelected() public method

Checks that the given option is not selected. php dontSeeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeOptionIsSelected()
public cantSeeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed
return mixed Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeResponseCodeIs() public method

Checks that response code is not equal to provided value.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseCodeIs()
public cantSeeResponseCodeIs ( $code )
$code Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeResponseContains() public method

Checks whether last response do not contain text.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseContains()
public cantSeeResponseContains ( $text )

cantSeeResponseContainsJson() public method

Opposite to seeResponseContainsJson
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseContainsJson()
public cantSeeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null )
$json array Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

cantSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath() public method

Opposite to seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath()
public cantSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( array $jsonPath )
$jsonPath array

cantSeeResponseMatchesJsonType() public method

Opposite to seeResponseMatchesJsonType.
See also: seeResponseMatchesJsonType
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseMatchesJsonType()
public cantSeeResponseMatchesJsonType ( $jsonType, null $jsonPath = null )
$jsonType jsonType structure
$jsonPath null optionally set specific path to structure with JsonPath

cantSeeXmlResponseEquals() public method

Checks XML response does not equal to provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s. Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeXmlResponseEquals()
public cantSeeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml )

cantSeeXmlResponseIncludes() public method

Checks XML response does not include provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s. Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeXmlResponseIncludes()
public cantSeeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml )

cantSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath() public method

Checks wheather XML response does not match XPath php dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath('//root/user[@id=1]');
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath()
public cantSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath )
$xpath Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail

checkOption() public method

Ticks a checkbox. For radio buttons, use the selectOption method instead. php checkOption('#agree'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::checkOption()
public checkOption ( $option )

click() public method

Perform a click on a link or a button, given by a locator. If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string. For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched. For links, the link text is searched. For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched. The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search. Note that if the locator matches a button of type submit, the form will be submitted. php click('Logout'); button of form $I->click('Submit'); CSS button $I->click('#form input[type=submit]'); XPath $I->click('//form/*[@type=submit]'); link in context $I->click('Logout', '#nav'); using strict locator $I->click(['link' => 'Login']); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::click()
public click ( $link, $context = null )

clickWithRightButton() public method

Performs contextual click with the right mouse button on an element.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::clickWithRightButton()
public clickWithRightButton ( $cssOrXPath )

debugWebDriverLogs() public method

Print out latest Selenium Logs in debug mode
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::debugWebDriverLogs()
public debugWebDriverLogs ( )

dontSee() public method

Checks that the current page doesn't contain the text specified (case insensitive). Give a locator as the second parameter to match a specific region. php dontSee('Login'); // I can suppose user is already logged in $I->dontSee('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's not a signup page $I->dontSee('Sign Up','//body/h1'); // with XPath Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body, so $I->dontSee('strong') will fail on strings like: -

I am Stronger than thou

- But will ignore strings like: - Home -
Home - For checking the raw source code, use seeInSource().
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSee()
public dontSee ( $text, null $selector = null )
$selector null

dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked() public method

Check that the specified checkbox is unchecked. php dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user didn't agree to terms $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user didn't check the first checkbox in form. ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked()
public dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox )

dontSeeCookie() public method

Checks that there isn't a cookie with the given name. You can set additional cookie params like domain, path as array passed in last argument.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCookie()
public dontSeeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed

dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals() public method

Checks that the current URL doesn't equal the given string. Unlike dontSeeInCurrentUrl, this only matches the full URL. php dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals()
public dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri )

dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches() public method

Checks that current url doesn't match the given regular expression. php dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches('~$/users/(\d+)~'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches()
public dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri )

dontSeeElement() public method

Checks that the given element is invisible or not present on the page. You can also specify expected attributes of this element. php dontSeeElement('.error'); $I->dontSeeElement('//form/input[1]'); $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']); $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElement()
public dontSeeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null )
$attributes array

dontSeeElementInDOM() public method

Opposite of seeElementInDOM.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElementInDOM()
public dontSeeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null )

dontSeeHttpHeader() public method

Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally) its value, asserting that are not there
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeHttpHeader()
public dontSeeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null )

dontSeeInCurrentUrl() public method

Checks that the current URI doesn't contain the given string. php dontSeeInCurrentUrl('/users/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInCurrentUrl()
public dontSeeInCurrentUrl ( $uri )

dontSeeInField() public method

Checks that an input field or textarea doesn't contain the given value. For fuzzy locators, the field is matched by label text, CSS and XPath. php dontSeeInField('Body','Type your comment here'); $I->dontSeeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here'); $I->dontSeeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value'); $I->dontSeeInField('#searchform input','Search'); $I->dontSeeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search'); $I->dontSeeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInField()
public dontSeeInField ( $field, $value )

dontSeeInFormFields() public method

Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are not set on the form matched with the passed selector. php dontSeeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [ 'input1' => 'non-existent value', 'input2' => 'other non-existent value', ]); ?> To check that an element hasn't been assigned any one of many values, an array can be passed as the value: php dontSeeInFormFields('.form-class', [ 'fieldName' => [ 'This value shouldn\'t be set', 'And this value shouldn\'t be set', ], ]); ?> Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean. php dontSeeInFormFields('#form-id', [ 'checkbox1' => true, // fails if checked 'checkbox2' => false, // fails if unchecked ]); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInFormFields()
public dontSeeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params )

dontSeeInPageSource() public method

Checks that the page source doesn't contain the given string.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInPageSource()
public dontSeeInPageSource ( $text )

dontSeeInSource() public method

Checks that the current page contains the given string in its raw source code. php dontSeeInSource('

Green eggs & ham

See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInSource()
public dontSeeInSource ( $raw )

dontSeeInTitle() public method

Checks that the page title does not contain the given string.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInTitle()
public dontSeeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed
return mixed

dontSeeOptionIsSelected() public method

Checks that the given option is not selected. php dontSeeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeOptionIsSelected()
public dontSeeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed
return mixed

dontSeeResponseCodeIs() public method

Checks that response code is not equal to provided value.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseCodeIs()
public dontSeeResponseCodeIs ( $code )

dontSeeResponseContains() public method

Checks whether last response do not contain text.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseContains()
public dontSeeResponseContains ( $text )

dontSeeResponseContainsJson() public method

Opposite to seeResponseContainsJson
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseContainsJson()
public dontSeeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null )
$json array

dontSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath() public method

Opposite to seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath()
public dontSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( array $jsonPath )
$jsonPath array

dontSeeResponseMatchesJsonType() public method

Opposite to seeResponseMatchesJsonType.
See also: seeResponseMatchesJsonType
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeResponseMatchesJsonType()
public dontSeeResponseMatchesJsonType ( $jsonType, null $jsonPath = null )
$jsonType jsonType structure
$jsonPath null optionally set specific path to structure with JsonPath

dontSeeXmlResponseEquals() public method

Checks XML response does not equal to provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s. Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeXmlResponseEquals()
public dontSeeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml )

dontSeeXmlResponseIncludes() public method

Checks XML response does not include provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s. Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeXmlResponseIncludes()
public dontSeeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml )

dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath() public method

Checks wheather XML response does not match XPath php dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath('//root/user[@id=1]');
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath()
public dontSeeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath )

doubleClick() public method

Performs a double-click on an element matched by CSS or XPath.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::doubleClick()
public doubleClick ( $cssOrXPath )

dragAndDrop() public method

Performs a simple mouse drag-and-drop operation. php dragAndDrop('#drag', '#drop'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dragAndDrop()
public dragAndDrop ( string $source, string $target )
$source string (CSS ID or XPath)
$target string (CSS ID or XPath)

executeInSelenium() public method

Low-level API method. If Codeception commands are not enough, this allows you to use Selenium WebDriver methods directly: php $I->executeInSelenium(function(\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) { $webdriver->get(''); }); This runs in the context of the RemoteWebDriver class. Try not to use this command on a regular basis. If Codeception lacks a feature you need, please implement it and submit a patch.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::executeInSelenium()
public executeInSelenium ( callable $function )
$function callable

executeJS() public method

Executes custom JavaScript. This example uses jQuery to get a value and assigns that value to a PHP variable: php executeJS('return $("#myField").val()'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::executeJS()
public executeJS ( $script ) : mixed
return mixed

fillField() public method

Fills a text field or textarea with the given string. php fillField("//input[@type='text']", "Hello World!"); $I->fillField(['name' => 'email'], '[email protected]'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::fillField()
public fillField ( $field, $value )

getScenario() abstract protected method

abstract protected getScenario ( ) : Codeception\Scenario
return Codeception\Scenario

getVisibleText() public method

Grabs all visible text from the current page.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::getVisibleText()
public getVisibleText ( ) : string
return string

grabAttributeFrom() public method

Finds and returns attribute of element. Element is matched by either CSS or XPath
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::grabAttributeFrom()
public grabAttributeFrom ( $cssOrXPath, $attribute ) : string
return string

grabCookie() public method

Grabs a cookie value. You can set additional cookie params like domain, path in array passed as last argument.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabCookie()
public grabCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed

grabDataFromJsonResponse() public method

Deprecated since 2.0.9 and removed since 2.1.0
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::grabDataFromJsonResponse()
public grabDataFromJsonResponse ( $path )

grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath() public method

Returns data from the current JSON response using JSONPath as selector. JsonPath is XPath equivalent for querying Json structures. Try your JsonPath expressions online. Even for a single value an array is returned. This method **require flow/jsonpath > 0.2 library to be installed**. Example: php in json $firstUserId = $I->grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath('$..users[0].id'); $I->sendPUT('/user', array('id' => $firstUserId[0], 'name' => 'davert')); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath()
public grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath ( string $jsonPath ) : array
$jsonPath string
return array Array of matching items

grabFromCurrentUrl() public method

Executes the given regular expression against the current URI and returns the first match. If no parameters are provided, the full URI is returned. php grabFromCurrentUrl('~$/user/(\d+)/~'); $uri = $I->grabFromCurrentUrl(); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabFromCurrentUrl()
public grabFromCurrentUrl ( null $uri = null ) : mixed
$uri null
return mixed

grabHttpHeader() public method

Returns the value of the specified header name
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::grabHttpHeader()
public grabHttpHeader ( $name, boolean $first = null ) : string | array
$first boolean Whether to return the first value or all header values
return string | array The first header value if $first is true, an array of values otherwise

grabMultiple() public method

Grabs either the text content, or attribute values, of nodes matched by $cssOrXpath and returns them as an array. html First Second Third php grabMultiple('a'); would return ['#first', '#second', '#third'] $aLinks = $I->grabMultiple('a', 'href'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabMultiple()
public grabMultiple ( $cssOrXpath, $attribute = null ) : string[]
return string[]

grabResponse() public method

Returns current response so that it can be used in next scenario steps. Example: php grabResponse(); $I->sendPUT('/user', array('id' => $user_id, 'name' => 'davert')); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::grabResponse()
public grabResponse ( ) : string
return string

grabTextContentFromXmlElement() public method

Finds and returns text contents of element. Element is matched by either CSS or XPath
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::grabTextContentFromXmlElement()
public grabTextContentFromXmlElement ( $cssOrXPath ) : string
return string

grabTextFrom() public method

Finds and returns the text contents of the given element. If a fuzzy locator is used, the element is found using CSS, XPath, and by matching the full page source by regular expression. php grabTextFrom('h1'); $heading = $I->grabTextFrom('descendant-or-self::h1'); $value = $I->grabTextFrom('~
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabTextFrom()
public grabTextFrom ( $cssOrXPathOrRegex ) : mixed
return mixed

grabValueFrom() public method

Finds the value for the given form field. If a fuzzy locator is used, the field is found by field name, CSS, and XPath. php grabValueFrom('Name'); $name = $I->grabValueFrom('input[name=username]'); $name = $I->grabValueFrom('descendant-or-self::form/descendant::input[@name = 'username']'); $name = $I->grabValueFrom(['name' => 'username']); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabValueFrom()
public grabValueFrom ( $field ) : mixed
return mixed

haveHttpHeader() public method

Sets HTTP header
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::haveHttpHeader()
public haveHttpHeader ( $name, $value )

loadSessionSnapshot() public method

[!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::loadSessionSnapshot()
public loadSessionSnapshot ( string $name ) : boolean
$name string
return boolean

makeScreenshot() public method

Takes a screenshot of the current window and saves it to tests/_output/debug. php amOnPage('/user/edit'); $I->makeScreenshot('edit_page'); saved to: tests/_output/debug/edit_page.png ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::makeScreenshot()
public makeScreenshot ( $name )

maximizeWindow() public method

Maximizes the current window.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::maximizeWindow()
public maximizeWindow ( )

moveBack() public method

Moves back in history.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::moveBack()
public moveBack ( )

moveForward() public method

Moves forward in history.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::moveForward()
public moveForward ( )

moveMouseOver() public method

Move mouse over the first element matched by the given locator. If the second and third parameters are given, then the mouse is moved to an offset of the element's top-left corner. Otherwise, the mouse is moved to the center of the element. php moveMouseOver(['css' => '.checkout'], 20, 50); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::moveMouseOver()
public moveMouseOver ( string $cssOrXPath, integer $offsetX = null, integer $offsetY = null )
$cssOrXPath string css or xpath of the web element
$offsetX integer
$offsetY integer

pauseExecution() public method

Pauses test execution in debug mode. To proceed test press "ENTER" in console. This method is useful while writing tests, since it allows you to inspect the current page in the middle of a test case.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::pauseExecution()
public pauseExecution ( )

pressKey() public method

Presses the given key on the given element. To specify a character and modifier (e.g. ctrl, alt, shift, meta), pass an array for $char with the modifier as the first element and the character as the second. For special keys use key constants from WebDriverKeys class. php $I->pressKey('#page','a'); // => olda $I->pressKey('#page',array('ctrl','a'),'new'); //=> new $I->pressKey('#page',array('shift','111'),'1','x'); //=> old!!!1x $I->pressKey('descendant-or-self::*[@id='page']','u'); //=> oldu $I->pressKey('#name', array('ctrl', 'a'), \Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverKeys::DELETE); //=>'' ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::pressKey()
public pressKey ( $element, $char )
$char Can be char or array with modifier. You can provide several chars.

reloadPage() public method

Reloads the current page.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::reloadPage()
public reloadPage ( )

resetCookie() public method

Unsets cookie with the given name. You can set additional cookie params like domain, path in array passed as last argument.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::resetCookie()
public resetCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed

resizeWindow() public method

Resize the current window. php resizeWindow(800, 600);
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::resizeWindow()
public resizeWindow ( integer $width, integer $height )
$width integer
$height integer

saveSessionSnapshot() public method

[!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::saveSessionSnapshot()
public saveSessionSnapshot ( string $name )
$name string

scrollTo() public method

Move to the middle of the given element matched by the given locator. Extra shift, calculated from the top-left corner of the element, can be set by passing $offsetX and $offsetY parameters. php scrollTo(['css' => '.checkout'], 20, 50); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::scrollTo()
public scrollTo ( $selector, integer $offsetX = null, integer $offsetY = null )
$offsetX integer
$offsetY integer

see() public method

Checks that the current page contains the given string (case insensitive). You can specify a specific HTML element (via CSS or XPath) as the second parameter to only search within that element. php see('Logout'); // I can suppose user is logged in $I->see('Sign Up', 'h1'); // I can suppose it's a signup page $I->see('Sign Up', '//body/h1'); // with XPath Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body, so $I->see('strong') will return true for strings like: -

I am Stronger than thou

- But will *not* be true for strings like: - Home -
Home - For checking the raw source code, use seeInSource().
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::see()
public see ( $text, null $selector = null )
$selector null

seeCheckboxIsChecked() public method

Checks that the specified checkbox is checked. php seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user agreed to terms, If there is only one checkbox in form. $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('//form/input[@type=checkbox and @name=agree]'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCheckboxIsChecked()
public seeCheckboxIsChecked ( $checkbox )

seeCookie() public method

Checks that a cookie with the given name is set. You can set additional cookie params like domain, path as array passed in last argument. php seeCookie('PHPSESSID'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCookie()
public seeCookie ( $cookie, array $params = null ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed

seeCurrentUrlEquals() public method

Checks that the current URL is equal to the given string. Unlike seeInCurrentUrl, this only matches the full URL. php seeCurrentUrlEquals('/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlEquals()
public seeCurrentUrlEquals ( $uri )

seeCurrentUrlMatches() public method

Checks that the current URL matches the given regular expression. php seeCurrentUrlMatches('~$/users/(\d+)~'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlMatches()
public seeCurrentUrlMatches ( $uri )

seeElement() public method

Checks that the given element exists on the page and is visible. You can also specify expected attributes of this element. php seeElement('.error'); $I->seeElement('//form/input[1]'); $I->seeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']); $I->seeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']); strict locator in first arg, attributes in second $I->seeElement(['css' => 'form input'], ['name' => 'login']); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElement()
public seeElement ( $selector, array $attributes = null )
$attributes array

seeElementInDOM() public method

Checks that the given element exists on the page, even it is invisible. php seeElementInDOM('//form/input[type=hidden]'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElementInDOM()
public seeElementInDOM ( $selector, $attributes = null )

seeHttpHeader() public method

Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally) its value, asserting that are there
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeHttpHeader()
public seeHttpHeader ( $name, $value = null )

seeHttpHeaderOnce() public method

Checks that http response header is received only once. HTTP RFC2616 allows multiple response headers with the same name. You can check that you didn't accidentally sent the same header twice. php seeHttpHeaderOnce('Cache-Control'); ?>>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeHttpHeaderOnce()
public seeHttpHeaderOnce ( $name )

seeInCurrentUrl() public method

Checks that current URI contains the given string. php seeInCurrentUrl('home'); to match: /users/1 $I->seeInCurrentUrl('/users/'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInCurrentUrl()
public seeInCurrentUrl ( $uri )

seeInField() public method

Checks that the given input field or textarea contains the given value. For fuzzy locators, fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, and XPath. php seeInField('Body','Type your comment here'); $I->seeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here'); $I->seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value'); $I->seeInField('#searchform input','Search'); $I->seeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search'); $I->seeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInField()
public seeInField ( $field, $value )

seeInFormFields() public method

Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are set on the form matched with the passed selector. php seeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [ 'input1' => 'value', 'input2' => 'other value', ]); ?> For multi-select elements, or to check values of multiple elements with the same name, an array may be passed: php seeInFormFields('.form-class', [ 'multiselect' => [ 'value1', 'value2', ], 'checkbox[]' => [ 'a checked value', 'another checked value', ], ]); ?> Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean. php seeInFormFields('#form-id', [ 'checkbox1' => true, // passes if checked 'checkbox2' => false, // passes if unchecked ]); ?> Pair this with submitForm for quick testing magic. php 'value', 'field2' => 'another value', 'checkbox1' => true, ... ]; $I->submitForm('//form[@id=my-form]', $form, 'submitButton'); $I->amOnPage('/path/to/form-page') may be needed $I->seeInFormFields('//form[@id=my-form]', $form); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInFormFields()
public seeInFormFields ( $formSelector, $params )

seeInPageSource() public method

Checks that the page source contains the given string. php seeInPageSource('
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInPageSource()
public seeInPageSource ( $text )

seeInPopup() public method

Checks that the active JavaScript popup, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt, contains the given string.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInPopup()
public seeInPopup ( $text )

seeInSource() public method

Checks that the current page contains the given string in its raw source code. php seeInSource('

Green eggs & ham

See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInSource()
public seeInSource ( $raw )

seeInTitle() public method

Checks that the page title contains the given string. php seeInTitle('Blog - Post #1'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInTitle()
public seeInTitle ( $title ) : mixed
return mixed

seeNumberOfElements() public method

Checks that there are a certain number of elements matched by the given locator on the page. php seeNumberOfElements('tr', 10); $I->seeNumberOfElements('tr', [0,10]); //between 0 and 10 elements ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElements()
public seeNumberOfElements ( $selector, mixed $expected )
$expected mixed : - string: strict number - array: range of numbers [0,10]

seeNumberOfElementsInDOM() public method

[!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElementsInDOM()
public seeNumberOfElementsInDOM ( $selector, $expected )

seeOptionIsSelected() public method

Checks that the given option is selected. php seeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeOptionIsSelected()
public seeOptionIsSelected ( $selector, $optionText ) : mixed
return mixed

seeResponseCodeIs() public method

Checks response code equals to provided value.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseCodeIs()
public seeResponseCodeIs ( $code )

seeResponseContains() public method

Checks whether the last response contains text.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseContains()
public seeResponseContains ( $text )

seeResponseContainsJson() public method

Checks whether the last JSON response contains provided array. The response is converted to array with json_decode($response, true) Thus, JSON is represented by associative array. This method matches that response array contains provided array. Examples: php seeResponseContainsJson(array('name' => 'john')); response {user: john, profile: { email: [email protected] }} $I->seeResponseContainsJson(array('email' => '[email protected]')); ?> This method recursively checks if one array can be found inside of another.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseContainsJson()
public seeResponseContainsJson ( array $json = null )
$json array

seeResponseEquals() public method

Checks if response is exactly the same as provided.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseEquals()
public seeResponseEquals ( $expected )

seeResponseIsJson() public method

Checks whether last response was valid JSON. This is done with json_last_error function.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseIsJson()
public seeResponseIsJson ( )

seeResponseIsXml() public method

Checks whether last response was valid XML. This is done with libxml_get_last_error function.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseIsXml()
public seeResponseIsXml ( )

seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath() public method

Checks if json structure in response matches JsonPath. JsonPath is XPath equivalent for querying Json structures. Try your JsonPath expressions online. This assertion allows you to check the structure of response json. This method **require flow/jsonpath > 0.2 library to be installed**. json { "store": { "book": [ { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99 } ], "bicycle": { "color": "red", "price": 19.95 } } } php seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$[*].author'); first book in store has author $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$[0].author'); at least one item in store has price $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.store..price'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath()
public seeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath ( $jsonPath )

seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath() public method

Checks if json structure in response matches the xpath provided. JSON is not supposed to be checked against XPath, yet it can be converted to xml and used with XPath. This assertion allows you to check the structure of response json. * json { "store": { "book": [ { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99 } ], "bicycle": { "color": "red", "price": 19.95 } } } php seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath('//store/book/author'); first book in store has author $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath('//store/book[1]/author'); at least one item in store has price $I->seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath('/store//price'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath()
public seeResponseJsonMatchesXpath ( $xpath )

seeResponseMatchesJsonType() public method

Checks that Json matches provided types. In case you don't know the actual values of JSON data returned you can match them by type. Starts check with a root element. If JSON data is array it will check the first element of an array. You can specify the path in the json which should be checked with JsonPath Basic example: php seeResponseMatchesJsonType([ 'user_id' => 'integer', 'name' => 'string|null', 'is_active' => 'boolean' ]); narrow down matching with JsonPath: {"users": [{ "name": "davert"}, {"id": 1}]} $I->seeResponseMatchesJsonType(['name' => 'string'], '$.users[0]'); ?> In this case you can match that record contains fields with data types you expected. The list of possible data types: * string * integer * float * array (json object is array as well) * boolean You can also use nested data type structures: php seeResponseMatchesJsonType([ 'user_id' => 'integer|string', // multiple types 'company' => ['name' => 'string'] ]); ?> You can also apply filters to check values. Filter can be applied with : char after the type declatation. Here is the list of possible filters: * integer:>{val} - checks that integer is greater than {val} (works with float and string types too). * integer:<{val} - checks that integer is lower than {val} (works with float and string types too). * string:url - checks that value is valid url. * string:date - checks that value is date in JavaScript format: * string:email - checks that value is a valid email according to * string:regex({val}) - checks that string matches a regex provided with {val} This is how filters can be used: php '[email protected]'} $I->seeResponseMatchesJsonType([ 'user_id' => 'string:>0:<1000', // multiple filters can be used 'email' => 'string:regex(~\@~)' // we just check that @ char is included ]); {'user_id': '1'} $I->seeResponseMatchesJsonType( 'user_id' => 'string:>0', // works with strings as well } ?> You can also add custom filters y accessing JsonType::addCustomFilter method. See [JsonType reference.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeResponseMatchesJsonType()
public seeResponseMatchesJsonType ( array $jsonType, string $jsonPath = null )
$jsonType array
$jsonPath string

seeXmlResponseEquals() public method

Checks XML response equals provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xml`s. Parameters can be passed either as DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes).
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeXmlResponseEquals()
public seeXmlResponseEquals ( $xml )

seeXmlResponseIncludes() public method

Checks XML response includes provided XML. Comparison is done by canonicalizing both xmls. Parameter can be passed either as XmlBuilder, DOMDocument, DOMNode, XML string, or array (if no attributes). Example: php seeXmlResponseIncludes("1"); ?> ```
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeXmlResponseIncludes()
public seeXmlResponseIncludes ( $xml )

seeXmlResponseMatchesXpath() public method

Checks wheather XML response matches XPath php seeXmlResponseMatchesXpath('//root/user[@id=1]');
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::seeXmlResponseMatchesXpath()
public seeXmlResponseMatchesXpath ( $xpath )

selectOption() public method

Selects an option in a select tag or in radio button group. php selectOption('form select[name=account]', 'Premium'); $I->selectOption('form input[name=payment]', 'Monthly'); $I->selectOption('//form/select[@name=account]', 'Monthly'); ?> Provide an array for the second argument to select multiple options: php selectOption('Which OS do you use?', array('Windows','Linux')); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::selectOption()
public selectOption ( $select, $option )

sendDELETE() public method

Sends DELETE request to given uri.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::sendDELETE()
public sendDELETE ( $url, array $params = null, array $files = null )
$params array
$files array

sendGET() public method

Sends a GET request to given uri.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::sendGET()
public sendGET ( $url, array $params = null )
$params array

sendHEAD() public method

Sends a HEAD request to given uri.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::sendHEAD()
public sendHEAD ( $url, array $params = null )
$params array

sendOPTIONS() public method

Sends an OPTIONS request to given uri.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::sendOPTIONS()
public sendOPTIONS ( $url, array $params = null )
$params array

sendPATCH() public method

Sends PATCH request to given uri.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::sendPATCH()
public sendPATCH ( $url, array $params = null, array $files = null )
$params array
$files array

sendPOST() public method

Sends a POST request to given uri. Parameters and files (as array of filenames) can be provided.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::sendPOST()
public sendPOST ( $url, array | JsonSerializable $params = null, array $files = null )
$params array | JsonSerializable
$files array

sendPUT() public method

Sends PUT request to given uri.
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::sendPUT()
public sendPUT ( $url, array $params = null, array $files = null )
$params array
$files array

setCookie() public method

Sets a cookie with the given name and value. You can set additional cookie params like domain, path, expires, secure in array passed as last argument. php setCookie('PHPSESSID', 'el4ukv0kqbvoirg7nkp4dncpk3'); ?>
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::setCookie()
public setCookie ( $cookie, $value, array $params = null ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed

startFollowingRedirects() public method

Enables automatic redirects to be followed by the client
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::startFollowingRedirects()

stopFollowingRedirects() public method

Prevents automatic redirects to be followed by the client
See also: Codeception\Module\REST::stopFollowingRedirects()

submitForm() public method

Submits the given form on the page, optionally with the given form values. Give the form fields values as an array. Note that hidden fields can't be accessed. Skipped fields will be filled by their values from the page. You don't need to click the 'Submit' button afterwards. This command itself triggers the request to form's action. You can optionally specify what button's value to include in the request with the last parameter as an alternative to explicitly setting its value in the second parameter, as button values are not otherwise included in the request. Examples: php submitForm('#login', [ 'login' => 'davert', 'password' => '123456' ]); or $I->submitForm('#login', [ 'login' => 'davert', 'password' => '123456' ], 'submitButtonName'); For example, given this sample "Sign Up" form: html
Do you agree to our terms?
Select pricing plan:
You could write the following to submit it: php submitForm( '#userForm', [ 'user[login]' => 'Davert', 'user[password]' => '123456', 'user[agree]' => true ], 'submitButton' ); Note that "2" will be the submitted value for the "plan" field, as it is the selected option. Also note that this differs from PhpBrowser, in that 'user' => [ 'login' => 'Davert' ] is not supported at the moment. Named array keys *must* be included in the name as above. Pair this with seeInFormFields for quick testing magic. php 'value', 'field2' => 'another value', 'checkbox1' => true, ... ]; $I->submitForm('//form[@id=my-form]', $form, 'submitButton'); $I->amOnPage('/path/to/form-page') may be needed $I->seeInFormFields('//form[@id=my-form]', $form); ?> Parameter values must be set to arrays for multiple input fields of the same name, or multi-select combo boxes. For checkboxes, either the string value can be used, or boolean values which will be replaced by the checkbox's value in the DOM. php submitForm('#my-form', [ 'field1' => 'value', 'checkbox' => [ 'value of first checkbox', 'value of second checkbox, ], 'otherCheckboxes' => [ true, false, false ], 'multiselect' => [ 'first option value', 'second option value' ] ]); ?> Mixing string and boolean values for a checkbox's value is not supported and may produce unexpected results. Field names ending in "[]" must be passed without the trailing square bracket characters, and must contain an array for its value. This allows submitting multiple values with the same name, consider: php $I->submitForm('#my-form', [ 'field[]' => 'value', 'field[]' => 'another value', // 'field[]' is already a defined key ]); The solution is to pass an array value: php this way both values are submitted $I->submitForm('#my-form', [ 'field' => [ 'value', 'another value', ] ]);
See also: Codeception\Module\WebDriver::submitForm()
public submitForm ( $selector, $params, $button = null )

switchToIFrame() public method

Switch to another frame on the page. Example: html