PHP Class Entity, glpi

Inheritance: extends CommonTreeDropdown
ファイルを表示 Open project: glpi-project/glpi Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
canCreateItem ( )
canUpdate ( )
canUpdateItem ( )
canViewItem ( )
cleanDBonPurge ( )
defineTabs ( $options = [] )
displayHeader ( )
displayTabContentForItem ( CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate )
dropdownAutoAssignMode ( array $options )
executeAddRule ( $input )
generateLinkSatisfaction ( $ticket ) : url Generate link for ticket satisfaction
getAutoAssignMode ( $val = NULL ) : array get value for auto_assign_mode
getEntitiesToNotify ( $field ) : Array get all entities with a notification option set manage CONFIG_PARENT (or NULL) value
getEntityID ( ) : ID Get the ID of entity assigned to the object
getEntityIDByCompletename ( $value )
getEntityIDByDN ( $value )
getEntityIDByDomain ( $value )
getEntityIDByTag ( $value )
getForbiddenStandardMassiveAction ( )
getRights ( $interface = 'central' )
getSearchOptions ( )
getSpecificValueToDisplay ( $field, $values, array $options = [] )
getSpecificValueToSelect ( $field, $name = '', $values = '', array $options = [] )
getTabNameForItem ( CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate )
getTypeName ( $nb )
getUsedConfig ( $fieldref, $entities_id, $fieldval = '', $default_value ) Retrieve data of current entity or parent entity
isEntityAssign ( )
isEntityDirectoryConfigured ( $entities_id )
isNewID ( $ID )
isRecursive ( ) : integer Is the object recursive
maybeRecursive ( )
post_addItem ( )
pre_deleteItem ( )
prepareInputForAdd ( $input )
prepareInputForUpdate ( $input )
showAdvancedOptions ( Entity $entity )
showHelpdeskOptions ( Entity $entity )
showInventoryOptions ( Entity $entity )
showNotificationOptions ( Entity $entity )
showSelector ( $target, $myname ) Display entities of the loaded profile
showStandardOptions ( Entity $entity )
title ( ) : nothing Print a good title for entity pages

Private Methods

Method Description
checkRightDatas ( $input ) : array Check right on each field before add / update
getEntityIDByField ( $field, $value )

Method Details

canCreateItem() public method

public canCreateItem ( )

canUpdate() static public method

static public canUpdate ( )

canUpdateItem() public method

public canUpdateItem ( )

canViewItem() public method

See also: CommonDBTM::canViewItem()
public canViewItem ( )

cleanDBonPurge() public method

public cleanDBonPurge ( )

defineTabs() public method

See also: CommonTreeDropdown::defineTabs()
public defineTabs ( $options = [] )

displayHeader() public method

public displayHeader ( )

displayTabContentForItem() static public method

static public displayTabContentForItem ( CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate )
$item CommonGLPI

dropdownAutoAssignMode() static public method

static public dropdownAutoAssignMode ( array $options )
$options array array

executeAddRule() public method

public executeAddRule ( $input )
$input array of values

generateLinkSatisfaction() static public method

Generate link for ticket satisfaction
static public generateLinkSatisfaction ( $ticket ) : url
$ticket ticket object
return url contents

getAutoAssignMode() static public method

get value for auto_assign_mode
static public getAutoAssignMode ( $val = NULL ) : array
$val if not set, ask for all values, else for 1 value (default NULL)
return array or string

getEntitiesToNotify() static public method

get all entities with a notification option set manage CONFIG_PARENT (or NULL) value
static public getEntitiesToNotify ( $field ) : Array
$field String name of the field to search (>0)
return Array of id => value

getEntityID() public method

simply return ID
public getEntityID ( ) : ID
return ID of the entity

getEntityIDByCompletename() static public method

static public getEntityIDByCompletename ( $value )

getEntityIDByDN() static public method

static public getEntityIDByDN ( $value )

getEntityIDByDomain() static public method

static public getEntityIDByDomain ( $value )

getEntityIDByTag() static public method

static public getEntityIDByTag ( $value )

getForbiddenStandardMassiveAction() public method

getRights() public method

See also: commonDBTM::getRights()
public getRights ( $interface = 'central' )

getSearchOptions() public method

public getSearchOptions ( )

getSpecificValueToDisplay() static public method

static public getSpecificValueToDisplay ( $field, $values, array $options = [] )
$options array array

getSpecificValueToSelect() static public method

static public getSpecificValueToSelect ( $field, $name = '', $values = '', array $options = [] )
$name (default '')
$values (default '')
$options array array

getTabNameForItem() public method

public getTabNameForItem ( CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate )
$item CommonGLPI

getTypeName() static public method

static public getTypeName ( $nb )

getUsedConfig() static public method

Retrieve data of current entity or parent entity
static public getUsedConfig ( $fieldref, $entities_id, $fieldval = '', $default_value )
$fieldref string name of the referent field to know if we look at parent entity
$fieldval string name of the field that we want value (default '')
$default_value value to return (default -2)

isEntityAssign() public method

public isEntityAssign ( )

isEntityDirectoryConfigured() static public method

static public isEntityDirectoryConfigured ( $entities_id )

isNewID() static public method

See also: CommonDBTM::isNewID()
static public isNewID ( $ID )

isRecursive() public method

Entity are always recursive
public isRecursive ( ) : integer
return integer (0/1)

maybeRecursive() public method

public maybeRecursive ( )

post_addItem() public method

public post_addItem ( )

pre_deleteItem() public method

public pre_deleteItem ( )

prepareInputForAdd() public method

public prepareInputForAdd ( $input )

prepareInputForUpdate() public method

public prepareInputForUpdate ( $input )

showAdvancedOptions() static public method

static public showAdvancedOptions ( Entity $entity )
$entity Entity Entity object

showHelpdeskOptions() static public method

static public showHelpdeskOptions ( Entity $entity )
$entity Entity Entity object

showInventoryOptions() static public method

static public showInventoryOptions ( Entity $entity )
$entity Entity Entity object

showNotificationOptions() static public method

static public showNotificationOptions ( Entity $entity )
$entity Entity Entity object

showSelector() static public method

Display entities of the loaded profile
static public showSelector ( $target, $myname )
$target target for entity change action
$myname select name

showStandardOptions() static public method

static public showStandardOptions ( Entity $entity )
$entity Entity Entity object

title() public method

Print a good title for entity pages
public title ( ) : nothing
return nothing (display)

Property Details

$dohistory public_oe property

public $dohistory

$first_level_menu public_oe property

public $first_level_menu

$must_be_replace public_oe property

public $must_be_replace

$rightname static_oe public_oe property

static public $rightname

$second_level_menu public_oe property

public $second_level_menu

$usenotepad protected_oe property

protected $usenotepad