PHP Class Export_Command, wp-cli

Inheritance: extends WP_CLI_Command
ファイルを表示 Open project: wp-cli/wp-cli

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$export_args array Initialize the array of arguments that will be eventually be passed to export_wp.

Public Methods

Method Description
__invoke ( $_, $assoc_args ) Export WordPress content to a WXR file.

Private Methods

Method Description
check_author ( $author )
check_category ( $category )
check_dir ( $path )
check_end_date ( $date )
check_max_file_size ( $size )
check_post__in ( $post__in )
check_post_status ( $status )
check_post_type ( $post_type )
check_post_type__not_in ( $post_type )
check_skip_comments ( $skip )
check_start_date ( $date )
check_start_id ( $start_id )
get_filename_template ( $filename_format )
load_export_api ( )
validate_args ( $args )

Method Details

__invoke() public method

Generates one or more WXR files containing authors, terms, posts, comments, and attachments. WXR files do not include site configuration (options) or the attachment files themselves. ## OPTIONS [--dir=] : Full path to directory where WXR export files should be stored. Defaults to current working directory. [--skip_comments] : Don't include comments in the WXR export file. [--max_file_size=] : A single export file should have this many megabytes. --- default: 15 --- ## FILTERS [--start_date=] : Export only posts published after this date, in format YYYY-MM-DD. [--end_date=] : Export only posts published before this date, in format YYYY-MM-DD. [--post_type=] : Export only posts with this post_type. Separate multiple post types with a comma. --- default: any --- [--post_type__not_in=] : Export all post types except those identified. Separate multiple post types with a comma. Defaults to none. [--post__in=] : Export all posts specified as a comma- or space-separated list of IDs. [--start_id=] : Export only posts with IDs greater than or equal to this post ID. [--author=] : Export only posts by this author. Can be either user login or user ID. [--category=] : Export only posts in this category. [--post_status=] : Export only posts with this status. [--filename_format=] : Use a custom format for export filenames. Defaults to '{site}.wordpress.{date}.{n}.xml'. ## EXAMPLES # Export posts published by the user between given start and end date $ wp export --dir=/tmp/ --user=admin --post_type=post --start_date=2011-01-01 --end_date=2011-12-31 Starting export process... Writing to file /tmp/staging.wordpress.2016-05-24.000.xml Success: All done with export. # Export posts by IDs $ wp export --dir=/tmp/ --post__in=123,124,125 Starting export process... Writing to file /tmp/staging.wordpress.2016-05-24.000.xml Success: All done with export. # Export a random subset of content $ wp export --post__in="$(wp post list --post_type=post --orderby=rand --posts_per_page=8 --format=ids)" Starting export process... Writing to file /var/www/ Success: All done with export.
public __invoke ( $_, $assoc_args )

Property Details

$export_args public_oe property

Initialize the array of arguments that will be eventually be passed to export_wp.
public array $export_args
return array