PHP Class GdReflectionLib, thinksns

This plugin allows you to create those fun Apple(tm)-style reflections in your images
ファイルを表示 Open project: medz/thinksns-4

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$parentInstance GdThumb Instance of GdThumb passed to this class

Public Methods

Method Description
createReflection ( $percent, $reflection, $white, $border, $borderColor, &$that )

Protected Methods

Method Description
hex2rgb ( string $hex, boolean $asString = false ) : mixed Converts a hex color to rgb tuples
imageFlipVertical ( ) Flips the image vertically

Method Details

createReflection() public method

public createReflection ( $percent, $reflection, $white, $border, $borderColor, &$that )

hex2rgb() protected method

Converts a hex color to rgb tuples
protected hex2rgb ( string $hex, boolean $asString = false ) : mixed
$hex string
$asString boolean
return mixed

imageFlipVertical() protected method

Flips the image vertically
protected imageFlipVertical ( )

Property Details

$currentDimensions protected_oe property

protected $currentDimensions

$newImage protected_oe property

protected $newImage

$options protected_oe property

protected $options

$parentInstance protected_oe property

Instance of GdThumb passed to this class
protected GdThumb $parentInstance
return GdThumb

$workingImage protected_oe property

protected $workingImage