PHP Class Gearman_Async_Task, WP-Gears

Inheritance: extends WP_Async_Task
ファイルを表示 Open project: 10up/wp-gears

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_client GearmanClient
$_worker GearmanWorker

Public Methods

Method Description
add ( $hook, $args = [], $priority = 'normal' )
do_job ( $job )
gearman_function ( ) : string Returns the gearman function group for this install
init ( )
work ( ) * Task Runner

Method Details

add() public method

public add ( $hook, $args = [], $priority = 'normal' )

do_job() public method

public do_job ( $job )

gearman_function() public method

Returns the gearman function group for this install
public gearman_function ( ) : string
return string

init() public method

public init ( )

work() public method

* Task Runner
public work ( )

Property Details

$_client protected_oe property

protected GearmanClient $_client
return GearmanClient

$_worker protected_oe property

protected GearmanWorker $_worker
return GearmanWorker